White Lies(Part One)

 Genie swallowed hard as he watched real anger flash across Skye's features. They had spoken multiple times since she and Tidas had returned a few days ago, but those quick confessions weren't enough for her. Genie had hinted at needing to tell her more, but he thought that she would at least wait until they had reached Sai's boarders before demanding to know more.

 Skye, Tidas, and Genie walked down their short hall, then pushed open the door to their room. As she motioned for Genie to enter, he took in an even breath, and crossed the threshold. Glancing around, he smiled when he saw the contents of her bookshelves.

 It covered everything from history to science, all the way to fictional stories. The only surprise was the amount of medical reference books and tomes she had scattered about around the couch. Curious, Genie asked; "Developing better control over your Shaman trait? Or is it research on something specific?"