Toasts And An Argument


 The evening was meant to be fun and relaxing, but Skye didn't think that would be possible about fifteen minutes after she'd entered the room. The diplomats and nobles swarmed her in an effort to convince her to come and visit their kingdom or territory after her trip to Sai was over. She tried to be polite, but was about to lose her cool when a high-ranking merchant from Ital brushed up against her arse on purpose.

 Skye turned and stared at him with daggers in her eyes, but all he did was lick his lips at her. It was meant to be seductive, but just grossed her out instead. She was about to snap at them all when Tidas pushed his way through the crowds. With a hard look in his eyes, he smirked and told them all that visiting other places would have to wait for a few years..