The Audacity


Skye and Shasta parted ways with Lawrence, and barely made it down the hall ten feet before Karena came into view. Her face was scrunched, and her fists were balled as she stomped her way towards them. Both Skye and Shasta sighed heavily as they braced for the inevitable verbal impact..

 "Do you two have Any idea how long I have been waiting?! How Dare you make Me, of all people, wait for You! I am the future Queen of Alcon! I have better things to do than to stand around all day like you lazy people!"

 Shasta scoffed; "We've only been gone for a few hours, and we're only about half an hour late. I bet that you've barely been waiting for five minutes.."

 Karena glared at her as she came to a huffy stop in front of them; "The fact that you even have the Audacity to make me wait in the First Place-"