Betrayed By Family(Part Two)


 Maevis looked at Shasta a final time, and smiled at her. The amount of growth she had seen the surly cat woman go through since immersing herself in the company of humans was awe-inspiring to her. As they readied to divide and conquer their tasks, the old Fae began to reminisce..

 She remembered chasing Shasta threw the Fae Nation forest with Aero, and watching her sail away. When Maevis had finally seen her again after going to the palace with Skye, it was quite shocking. But Maevis found the most mind-boggling thing to be how she treated the orphans.

 Guilt tugged at her heartstrings for judging Shasta so harshly. Most Fae weren't like humans; born to a family. Some were created from gathered human energy caused by intense emotions, or situations. Others were born from other Fae, or created by the various deities that influenced their world.