Time To Leave(Part Two)


"Are you clear on your jobs?" Maevis asked as she looked at the six Brownie spies in front of her.

 Lieutenant Trist nodded; "Aye! Follow along from a distance until you give the signal. When you do, a team of two will lead whatever enemy lay ahead away. We'll keep them busy as long as possible."

 "Without getting caught," Shasta added; "The guards are trying to catch you guys, too. And that includes a few mages, so watch your asses."

 As the six Brownies nodded in agreement, Nicolas turned towards Lawrence and asked; "Where are your children now?"

 "They should be in our quarters waiting for us, but that depends on if Draco and Sheri made it down to the banquet room yet. If they have, then they'll be heading for our quarters next. If they get there before we do, then Victor and Anna might be taken then," Lawrence replied.