Complicated Relationships(Part One)

 Tidas sighed inwardly as he watched his wife's expression deflate at Peggy's comment. She knew that they wanted to have children, but she still pressured Skye almost the entire trip to Sai. It wasn't that they disagreed about the having kids part, but the timing..

 Skye and Tidas wanted to be back in Alcon, and settled into their home before they started to attempt to have children. Peggy, on the other hand, wanted them to start attempting to conceive now. At first it was gentle prodding, but it had developed into full-blown hounding now.

 As he listened to the familiar argument, Tidas hoped that they would stop before they actually started the screaming part..

 "All Ima sayin' is that people have been birthin' bairns since before humans were humans. Why's it matter where ya start out bein' pregnant so long as ya end up in Alcon wit the bairn?"