Ceremony Of Honor(Part Three)


 "Yer right, we already be late. So could ya just let me breath fer a minute?! We shopped fer hours, then rushed back here. And this be the first time I've stopped bein' dragged about all day! Please, Peg: give me a minute wit me husband."

 Peggy shot her a sharp glare before conceding with a sigh, then left the room while clicking her tongue disapprovingly. Tidas was already at her side by the time the door had latched. Turning to face him, Skye smiled as their arms entwined around each other..

 "I didna get ta say it before, so: hello, husband. How was yer day?"

 Tidas pulled a face before changing back to a strained smile; "It was a pain in the neck, literally. I had to use my Shaman trait to stop a kink from forming. My shoulders are still a little stiff."

 Skye stifled a giggle; "Paperwork?"