Inappropriate Behavior(Part One)


 Utter surprise was plastered all over Richard's face before it shifted into amusement; "So your husband talks shop with you, does he?"

 "There be no secrets between me and me husband," Skye retorted with a bite to her tone.

 Richard grinned cheekily; "Or so he says.. Everyone has secrets, my dear princess. Or are you going to stand there and tell me that you've never lied to the prince before?"

 Skye narrowed her eyes like she could stab him with them, prompting Peggy to step in; "Pardon the intrusion, me lord, but we really must return to the party. Tis bein' held in the Princess' honor, so it wouldna do ta have her gone too long."

 Richard glanced at Peggy; "You're a bold one, aren't you? Very well. I suppose we can play cat and mouse later. Sadly, I also have a meeting I must attend now."