Town Meeting

 Previously, Back In Alcon...

 "I see Dragonhorn's gates! Hopefully, it's not too late for them to call a town meeting!" Nicolas screamed from Hugo's backside.

 After regaining her strength, Maevis had hopped off of the bird's back, and was leisurely keeping pace with him as she thought. As soon as she'd heard Nic's voice, she'd cleared her head, and focused on the task at hand..

 "I see it! Why don't we split up with Hugo, and have him search the orchard for Jonathan and Cu?! That way we're not wasting extra time flying around!"

 Nicolas looked down at his comfortable ride, then nodded with a reluctant expression. After he quickly explained where to go and what to do, Hugo took off with a slow flap of his wings. He was quite tired and didn't really want to help, but understood how dire the situation was, so he did as his partner asked.