Future Goals

 The Alconian Diplomats didn't stay long after they'd returned from the shortened tour. Tokuga convinced Tidas to look inside the nursery area, but it was only slightly less horrific than the actual research room. Tidas' disdain was plain on his face when he'd returned, so Tokuga tried to explain a few of the things his ancestors had done to 'nurture' the hatchlings.

 Tidas was ready to deck him over the way he'd bragged about his family's 'advanced research methods', which turned out to be no more than barbaric experimentations. They had machines available to examine the dragons without killing or dissecting them, but that wasn't 'in-depth' research, according to Tokuga.

 His family had kept extensive records, and had originally offered to let Tidas peruse them, but he had a feeling that the offer had been rescinded..