Decked Out

 Skye was beyond annoyed with Peggy, and had no idea how she was going to meet Genie's eyes whenever he came back. It was the same as a relative walking in on her and Tidas, since Genie was like a brother to her. She could already feel her ears burning with embarrassment, just thinking about their next encounter.

 Tidas looked calm as they made their way through the snow, but inside: his mind was in utter chaos.. 'Genie's expression wasn't one a 'brother' would have while looking at his 'sister' in such a state.. Or was it pure shock? No, there was want in his eyes..'

 Tidas huffed as they went up the few stairs leading into Bai Lei's home.. 'But it's Genie! And it's Skye! He's known us Both since we were children! He couldn't see Skye in that kind of a light....could he? Or maybe I'm just being jealous? Am I overreacting? It's possible, but...dammit, I know what I saw!'