You’re Staying

 By the time night had fallen on Yuletide, every kingdom on the Star Continent had been notified of King Magnus' passing. All of the ravens had been arranged to arrive after Lucas Moonstone's execution, so the messages included news of his trial and sentencing. It was bold to declare his death beforehand, but Marco had no concerns about the execution taking place, which it did.

 The final part of the message included an invitation to the new King of Alcon's Coronation. Each kingdom, except for Sai, had received one meant for their respective rulers. Murdoc, Amara, and Petrie had just returned from seeing Nic and Aero to their quarters when he was given the letter.

 At first, Murdoc was insisting on going to the coronation himself. Claiming that he was only going to 'diplomatically refuse' any olive branches made by Marco, and make sure that the other rulers knew about Dragonhorn and Warrick Forest. But Amara and Petrie both called him on his bulshit..