False King Rises(Part Two)


 The second Wallace's eyes fell on Amara, he ran over, grabbed her, threw her over his shoulder, then took off. She smacked him hard in the side of his head as she flailed about, but didn't do more than that. It was quite the sight for passersby, but most ignored the three as they minded their own business.

 "Are ya bloody daft, woman?! Why the HELL did ye come back?!" Wallace yelled after he'd immediately taken off running.

 Shocked at being manhandled, all Amara could get out was; "Did ye forget that Ima fighter, too?! Like I'd leave ya behind!"

 "Yer Supposed ta be the smart one between us! How does riskin' yer Very valuable neck fer mine make any sense?! On top of that: yer nae a spry lass anymore!"

 "Ima Barely older than you!"

 "Will ya two can it, and focus on runnin'?! We're about ta come up ta the first!" the other Highlander yelled.