You should know your place

Hina let out a soft sigh, then she started to speak. "Not really, we didn't always fight. Daisuke, Akihito, and Eiichi were very close growing up, but one day Daisuke just left. Said he didn't need mum or her money, and we never saw him again. Eiichi sometimes gets him to come, but he just shows up for the butler and vanishes before the night is over. I think the last time we even had a meal was eight years." Her shoulders slumped, and she looked solemnly at me. "Look at me ruining the mood with boring talk about deserting family members." She leaned in close to me and whispered, "I know you said I shouldn't take any more pictures, but looky here." She slid her phone to me with her eyebrows bouncing up and down. On her screen was a picture of Akihito on the floor with vomit on his back. He had the expression of a baby about to cry. We both laughed.