
It was a cold dark winter night in the little village of Frostburg when a pure white eyed fox was born to the local blacksmith and his wife. At the sight of his eyes they feared that he wold be blind which wasn't a problem for them but they know there was no place in their little village for a blind baby or child. It would later be discovered that his all white eyes we a gift from the gods. As for now his mother and father loved him just the way he was.

As for his grandfather he thought this was a waste of energy and that the baby should be cast aside and forgotten since he'd never be a prober heir being blind but his daughter would have none of that kind of talk. A few days had passed and the child remained unnamed as the elderly fox approached old village forge.

"James lad have some reason. The child is blind and will never be able to learn your craft and will only be a burden on you and Lillian." pleaded the elderly fox as his son-in-law, an adult fox with light blue eyes covered in soot and ash as he pounded on what will be a plow blade.

"Sir it is your daughter you need to convince not me. I love the child because it is mine but I will someday need a strong boy to help me at the forge so I see your argument but Lilly is my wife and I wont do anything to hurt her and if that means keeping this child then that's what it means." explained the soot covered fox.

"But she wont listen to reason lad." sighed the elderly fox as he turned to leave.

"Fear not father if Lilly is happy who's to say we wont have anymore children and one of them can help me work the forge to craft great wonders." replied James with a sooty smile.

"Boy you still holding onto that foolish dream of making more than just tools and weapons from that thing?" mocked his father-in-law as he shook his head for it too was a waste of time and resources.

"You wait and see one day we'll leave this little village and strike it big because of my creations." called James as the elderly fox slowly exited the shop only pausing to turn once more to face James.

"Not with that blind baby." huffed the fox before leaving.

Now this only made James want to keep the baby even more and when he'd finished his work for the day he left his forge and crossed the small village street to his small one room home. With his best smile he slowly opened the door and entered in looking right at his wife and child which greatly added to the joy in his heat.

"Marcus Alexander Ra Krystar!" exclaimed James as he walked over to them leaving a sooty trail as he did so.

"What?" questioned Lilly, a slightly younger vixen with really pail fur and green eyes of which she confusingly blinked.

"His name." replied James, "Your father came by the forge trying to convince me to abandon our child because of his blindness which only made me want to prove him wrong and thus I thought hard before the name came to me. We can call him Mark for short or just Marcus but he's not going anywhere."

"Thank you my love and I like the name its very strong and promising. He has the empire's name as well as that of one of the gods but why Marcus?" replied Lilly before kissing his soot covered cheek as he knelt next to her chair.

"It was my father's name. Mum talked about him all the time and though I never met him I felt it was only fitting to give our first sone his name." confessed James.

"That's a perfect reason and I'm glade you've finally decided on what we would do with him. I was starting to wonder if you'd give in to everyone else's suggestion to just through the baby to the wilds." replied Lilly as she tried to fight back the tears that had started to form because of the mere thought of loosing her baby.

"I would've always stuck with what made you happy and that was keeping Marcus." replied James as he stood up and kissed her forehead before adding, "I'll go get cleaned up before making dinner for us.

Yah I know weird in our dark times a man that cooked but then again he was raised by his mother and the last blacksmith but he didn't care what others though as long as his family was safe, healthy and happy that's all that mattered for them. This was the beginning of a long and eventful life as Marcus was destined by the gods to do great and mighty things.