One More Thing

The trio arrived back to the village and received a very mixed response. Lilly and Joy where both glade to see their children while Captain Nun, Judah's father, just glared at Marcus making him feel a little sick. Marcus knew with his father still out of town him and his mother were not completely safe without him having to use magic which he currently didn't have the strength for.

"You! Why'd you drag my son off into danger that got him injured. You're luck him nor the squirrel girl were killed or badly wounded." snapped Captain Nun as he approached Marcus who made sure to keep himself between the angry captain and his mother, Joy and Rebekah.

"Your son was injured protecting me!" snapped Rebekah pushing her way past Marcus, "These wolves ambushed us and I only got lucky and killed one with my spear while Judah managed to kill three with his bow. As for Marcus he used his magic to kill two of them and tackled the last one slaying it with his dagger to save me and your son. He almost killed himself to keep us safe."

Now her defense didn't give any better of a response for this little village where the lived has never had a mage or wizard come by and really the only experience they've ever had with magic was durning the dark witch wars which almost burned the village to the grounds almost one-hundred years ago. Thus now there was yet another thing for the village to dislike Marcus and his family for.

"Captain Nun should we even risk touching the meat he tainted with his filth?" asked one of the villagers.

"I think we should just throw them out of the village." called a second villager.

"Yah we don't need their kind here. They will only bring us pain and suffering." called a third villager forcing Marcus to take a defensive position between his mother, Joy, Rebekah and the rest of the villagers.

"Really! Mr. Tombs who will repair and replace all of your tools next time they break?" asked Lilly furious that her friends and family would turn on her now that they know her son can manipulate magic. She then turned to the next villager before adding, "And Mrs. Jones who's going to mend your children's clothes as they wear out? Or who will you have repair the school desks and other furniture when it breaks down?"

This made some of them think as they realize as the village's only black smith and carpenter. Not to mention that Lilly was also one of the best seamstress in the village. To loose them would greatly cripple them, could they really take the risk with winter slowly setting in. That's when Captain Nun had to do something he never thought he'd ever do.

"Despite my personal thoughts on the matter I must ask everyone to please return to your homes as will the Krystar family. I will discuss this matter with the governor next time I make it to the city and if they can't find us a replacement smith and carpenter then we will have no choice but to let them stay." explained Captain Nun addressing the villagers as a whole. "For now Mrs. Krystar will keep her abomination of a son in their house."

With that last comment Lilly, Joy and Rebekah were all bout to loose it only for Marcus to beat them to respond in a way that left them no choice but to go along with it. You see Marcus had just stepped forward made a polite bow before saying, "That seems more then reasonable Captain Nun may you and your family have a blessed night and may the village prosper from the meat we've managed to find for them this evening."

Marcus then stood and walked towards his home with a speechless mother, Joy and Rebekah close behind too baffled at Marcus' humility and control. In fact none of them could see he was actually boiling inside but knew that to act on his anger would only make things worse and he was too tired to fight of a whole mob of angry villagers.

"Marcus is everything really okay?" asked Rebekah once they were back inside his room and alone while their mothers worked on some dinner.

"No, I just can't stand how rude and inconsiderate these villagers are. We managed to kill seven wild wolves as children on our first hunt alone." sighed Marcus as he flopped on his bed.

"I understand and if it wasn't for your use of magic both me and Judah would be dead." huffed Rebekah as she sat down next to him. "Thanks by the way."

"You're my friend I will always look after you, protect you and keep you safe." replied Marcus sitting up and looking at her before sighing, "Sometimes I just wish I could live a normal life but I know the gods have other plans."

"Hay Marcus just so you know not everyone is as opposed to magic and magic users as the people of this village." explained Rebekah as her paw slide over and onto Marcus were it sat for a moment before she pulled it away.

"Yah, but even if I leave the village my parents will never be treated right and to be honest I think the only reason they aren't being cast out of the village is because they fear me and what I can do." sighed Marcus turning away from her and looking at his feet.

"No you heard Captain Looser Face, the only reason you all are being allowed to stay is because your father is the village's only black smith and carpenter." replied Rebekah placing a paw on his shoulder this time before adding, "Just wait until your father gets back, because if they want to still force you out my grandpa will most likely let your family move in with him above his book store."

"Yah." replied Marcus with a sigh.