Letter To Fans #1

Dear Readers,

I'm writing this letter as a chapter so that it can be long and detailed which I'd hate to do as a author's thought. So with out anymore delay lets get started with this letter to you all.

First off, I'd like to take a moment all of you who've liked, commented and even just read my story. I really wasn't sure about this tale and what I was going to do with it but since so many have enjoyed the first the chapters of it so far I wish to thank you it means a lot. Please keep posting your comments and thoughts they are what helps me to keep writing. If it wasn't for the support of all of you I wouldn't be able to write as much as I do.

Secondly, I would like to plead with you to be patient as of right now I will only be posting one chapter a week and though I'd love to get to the point of releasing twice a week it doesn't seem that possible at this time. Now I may occasionally release specials and double chapters if and only if I can get them typed up in time. For instance this letter will be released along side chapter eleven.

Thirdly, my plans for letter chapters like this one is for a few reasons of which I hope wont turn you away from wanting to be a part of this adventure. One of those reasons is mostly to continually thank you for your support. It is also to ask for further support in sharing this with others. I also want to use these notes as a way to keep you updated as sometimes I may not be able to release these notes with a chapter following them but have to release it with the chapter before it or even by itself. I also wish to use these letters as a way to have the characters give Q & A sessions so if you have any questions send them to me on Discord (I use the same username) and I will put together a Q & A session.

Moving forward I plan to release a letter every ten chapters just to keep everyone in the loop. Now please understand that this is one a trial idea in this book as it is being written along with these letters but also that I am currently working on three contracted books as well as a Fanfiction on this site, a six book series that I plan to self-publish along with working forty to thirty hours a week and my job that I only have to pay my bills. So if you want more stories from me I would need to start making more from them and that comes two ways, support me on Patreon (same username) or share these books and get others to read them.

So now that I got the nasty marketing part of the letter out lets move to a fun part. So moving forward the story will be leaving the village soon but don' t forget about them they still have a part to play and I will circle back to them but first we also have to get through the rest of Marcus' childhood. This will happen in the next set of chapters with him also meeting up with someone who will play a key part in his future. Now with that said we are also moving in on the holidays and I might write a Christmas special that will not flow with the rest of these chapter's timeline.

Now it isn't a promise that there will always be nor even be a holiday special for each holiday including these upcoming holidays. It all depends on my free time and if I can manage to write them along with the chapter of the week. So thanks again for following this tale as it unfolds and if you have any questions for me or a character of the story just shoot me a personal message with your question or you could add it to the comments and I will start to compile a Q & A session and as soon as it reaches the one-thousand word limit and I've reached the next ten chapter mark I will release it.

Before I go I just want to leave you with a list of things to look forward to finding out in the next ten chapters as well as at which point I plan on ending volume one thus switching into volume two. The following is what is to come in the next ten to twenty chapters (this are also subject to change at any point).

>The description of the city's mage academy.

>Two new rivals/foes for Marcus Krystar.

>Marcus and Rebekah meet the first of their future team mates.

>The first signs of the darkness that will threaten the world to come.

>The sparks of new relationships with secret twists.

>The first looks at what will become of Judah, Rebekah and Marcus as they mov forward in their lives and adventures.

>There will also be another letter to you the readers after chapter twenty and chapter thirty. There is a chance one of those may be a Q & A session depending on if enough questions are submitted by then.

As one last note as of this moment I plan on attempting to go premium at or around chapter twenty or thirty depending on where I'm sitting in the overall plot of the storyline by then. Hence the reason for trying to keep these letters to around one-thousand words. Thanks again for your support and I'll know more about when I'm going premium with this book around the next letter release. Thanks you and have a blessed day.

