The Dreamwalker - Part Three

Now lets turn back a few seconds and travel to the dream of Marcus. Oh and yes he did really know it was just that, a dream right off the bat, because the dream sent him back to his old village just outside his parent's home. Everyone was there and they where gathered to celebrate and thanked him. Yet something was off his parents weren't the same. Almost as if someone or something was blocking their really identity out of his memories. Same with many of the villagers now that he looked at it. Everything was so scrambled up that none of it even made sense to him.

Just then he spotted a single red rose in the paws of a small naked black squirrel. Oddly enough none of the villagers seemed to had even notice her nor that she was completely naked. It was at that point that Marcus had realized it was Ari. What bothered him though was, why had she come to him in his dreams?