It’s Been A While - Part Two

"I see, can we at least talk for a bit?" asked Marcus with a smile.

"Well, I don't see how that could hurt. Why don't you three go to your room Marcus and I'll call you when dinner is ready." offered Joy with a smile.

"You sure momma?" asked Rebekah with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes dear you three go get caught up while I finish up dinner." replied Joy with a smile.

With that the trio shuffled out of the dinning room and down he hall to Marcus' room where Marcus found a seat on the edge of the bed with Rebekah and Judah taking up a spot on each side of him. With a smile Marcus asked, "Does this take anyone else back to the night I left?"

"Is that supposed to be an encouragement or a depression." teased Rebekah with a smile.

"Well, I didn't mean it that way. In fact I was hoping to reopen the offering I had given back on that day." replied Marcus with a smile before looking over at Judah before add, "That is unless you've found a boyfriend already."