Seeking A Thief - Part Three

"Ummm, we're trying to find the Thief?" replied a slightly confused Marcus with a raised eyebrow.

"What makes you think he'd be all the way up here?" asked Ari with her head tilted slightly to one side.

"Because, the Thief's Guild is only three days journey farther north. Why wouldn't he be somewhere in these parts?" asked Marcus half confused half irritated at the stupid game that Ari is still trying hard to play.

"I see, well he's not the kind of thief that is actually welcomed at the guild." confessed Ari with a half shameful, half bashful glance at her feet.

"Wouldn't he still hideout here in the northern cities still?" asked Marcus a bit confused.

"No, for he's a wanted man in these parts as with many of the more wealth cities." replied Ari as she slowly looked up at Marcus afraid of what he might think of her.

"So, I made this nine day journey to this place for no reason?" questioned Marcus, "Why didn't you say anything sooner?"