The Next Step

So after a passion filled mating with Rebekah as Judah had predicted was going to happen the three of them sat down to discuss there next move would be or at least what it should be.

"So this whole time the Thief we were looking for was none other then our good friend Judah." laughed Rebekah as she sat naked on the bed.

"Yes, and now we have two paths to travel." replied Marcus with is arms crossed fully dressed in battle armor. "First off there is the hunt for the next members of the prophecy. Then there is the continued hunt for Judah's mousie lover."

"That is unless they to are one in the same." teased Rebekah with a smile.

"Either way for now Judah you are to return to Sophie and Ginny and fulfill your duties to the village while me and Rebekah seek out the next person of the prophecy and hopefully along the way we can find your little mouse." replied Marcus not revealing any emotions.