Day Two: Dealing With An Imortal Foe

It had taken Marcus all night and a bit into the morning for him to bury the fallen servants of Ari in the catacombs of the temple. He now currently stood at the second door to the temple the one that should take him to her inner chamber if there was still a full connection there but even the first door had been blown open. He placed his paw on the door and closed his eye hoping for just enough of a connection to make a link with Ari for a little guidance.

"Marcus my love you're so far away." softly called Ari as her naked presence slowly took form in front of him as he slowly opened his eyes. "Thank you for giving my servants a proper place to rest as well as recovering four of my ancient relics, but you really must leave this place."

"I know what you feel about me but I also know as long as there is any innocent soul living here I must do what I can to protect them." replied Marcus, "I'm sorry, I have to find a way of defeating them."