
Just real quick something's I want to say.

The cover is a photo of my dog tommy. I used him because I dint like the cover that's automatically given and I couldn't think of any other images which would be good. But if you have any good recommendations tell me and I'll check it out.

This is my first time writing something so keep your expectations low and you'll maybe not be disappointed. If you have any tips that would be greatly appreciated.

I'm not from an English speaking country as you can see when you click on my profile. This doesn't mean I'm bad at English or something but while writing I'm battling my autocorrect and it could be sometimes that I mis a spelling error or one of the words gets corrected to Dutch just tell me if you see a mistake and I'll fix it.

I don't have the entire story fleshed out yet I have a couple of different scenarios I want to work towards. This is probably not very smart on my part but this does leave me open to suggestions so if you have an idea as to what you want to see just say it and I'll see if I can do it (no NTR unless the guy is an asshole and deserves it).

These first few chapters are more of an intro and when I'm done with the intro I'll write the synopsis. This is mostly because I keep on getting new ideas and I don't want to force myself down one road to quickly.

I started writing this because I wanted to read a novel where the mc had a harem of onee Chan like women and that he wouldn't have to be the dominant one constantly because I like it when a woman can take a bit of the initiative. It's not like they're non existent in harem novels or manga but they often aren't really the focus. So seeing as I couldn't find any novels about that I thought why not write it myself but if you know any good ones please help a comrade out and recommend it to me.

I'm writing this also because I like doing it but I still have work (and school when the vacation ends) so I'm not sure if I can keep a consistent upload schedule going because I'm also quite lazy. So if I stop enjoying doing this and lose really the only reason why I'm doing this I'll probably stop. So you'd like me to keep writing say nice things about my dog.

If anyone else wants to do something similar to what I'm doing I have no problem with it not like I could really do anything if I did have a problem with it but just don't copy paste it.

I'm going on vacation next Friday and I'll be gone for a week I'll see if I can still write while I'm there but I can't promise anything.

Anyway hope you're hanging in there during this epidemic and remember not dying is the best way to stay alive.