Chapter 59

Er'Vati whisked her tail, and the two items appeared on the table. One was a metal rectangle the size of Zale's palm. It had magic engraved into the surface in cryptic characters. The other was what looked like a crystal spear with a bolt of lighting seemingly trapped inside.

Before they'd taken their gifts, she leaped from the book and pounced on their heads one at a time. By the time she'd made it back to her book, the magic had taken effect, and memoryless knowledge flooded their minds. It was a gift beyond words. Zale couldn't explain it, and Shai's face showed he felt the same.

"This is the most I'll do for now. I won't give you special treatment just because I'm too curious," Er expressed, licking a paw.

The two stood in a stupor, their conscious minds trying to sort out what they'd just 'learned.' Shai held power to cow anyone who dared to stand against him. Er'Vati's cryptic insinuation perplexed him. However, his newfound gift of both knowledge and the item filled him with the confidence that'd been worn down after years of struggle and strife.

His lips slowly twisted upward, and possibilities swirled in his mind.

Zale saw a world of possibilities. His first obstacle complete, he'd become a sorcerer. He would have the proof to show Meru what he was capable of. He could bring her along on the journey. Combined, he, Shai, and Meru could rise above everyone that had ever put him down.

After standing on death's door, knocking with all his might to get in, Zale had renewed determination in his pursuit of immortality. A strange feeling coursed through him. It was the same feeling as when he became a hunter. Elation. Strength. Purpose. He didn't think about whether living was important. He had a mission, and that was all that mattered.

"Thank you, Er'Vati," Shai said, his face beaming.

"Yeah, thank you. I can't believe it."

"Believe it, cupcake. You made it here with your own hands. All I did was give you a little push. You were the ones who pulled that little stunt. I'm excited to see where you two go."

They stood beaming at each other, both reeling.

"Well, what are you standing around here for? Get going!" Er said with a tail point.

Their consciousness faded out.

Zale shot up. He looked around the room at the stunned faces of the scientists and the satisfying expression of disbelief on Rahja's face. Zale grinned wide. With his new knowledge, he held up a hand, and mana condensed in a flash of heat. "I lived. Suck it."

Shai was soon up as well, all the scientists letting loose cheers when he, too, performed magic. While Zale might have his connection to the god, Shai had none. With his performance, they had undoubtedly succeeded.

"What now?" Kahmil asked.

Shai, on top of the world, replied, "Now, the future rests with us. Zale and I will do everything we can to save the people. What happens from there, I'm not sure. But we are no longer powerless. I fear nothing."

He threw an arm around Zale's shoulders with a laugh. "Come, friend! We have grave business to attend."

With equal mirth, Zale replied, "That we do."