The pounding stopped and my body slowly uncoiled into a tired heap. Sweat clinging onto my forehead like I just ran a marathon. My fingers having a loose grip on her clothing. My breathing coming out short and sharp. Quinn rubbed my back and I slowly managed to calm down.
"Do you want to tell me what that was about?" I looked up at Quinn, her beautiful face scrunched into worry. It hurt to see her worry so much about me, so I told her. Her face that was once worried now looked furious.
"You never mentioned this before.. And even if he is your dad, he shouldn't have done those things to you," She shook her head in anger.
"Yeah, I know, I'm sorry, it's just- there's so many memories, so many bad things that had happened it's hard to go over all of them at once.."
"Then we'll go over them together, bit by bit," She said with a gentle smile, her anger quickly evaporating. A smile flickered onto my lips as I felt a need to be closer to her.
I climbed onto her legs and sat on them, burrowing my face into her neck. She hugged me tightly and I felt so safe in those arms. A sigh of content and relief escaped my lips.