alone and lost

I wake the next morning to the sound of birds chirping outside my little hole. The trees were lush, the grass was tall and the sun was just rising in the east... Maybe? But that told me my basic directions and I pray I don't get lost trying to find my way out of this mess. The fur I got was very helpful for cover and I could wrap it around my new body like a scarf gown. I look around and try not to travel to far from my cave as I gather some fruits and nuts.

I don't dare to hunt. Despite the weaker smaller ones around me being as they are, I can't bring myself to go for it without thinking of the consequences and repercussions that come with inexperience. Scavenging is the best option for me. With scavenging, I can gather leftover scraps from hunts of previous predators as well as find camps of humans. If I find a camp, I can find a road nearby to make my way to a town or hut or something like that. But~ if I know basic foreign life logic of games and fantasy, being a goblin will have horrendous consequences for communication. So if I do find anything from humans, I'll have to sneak in around the night and hide in their shadows.

Thankfully, I still have my knowledge from my previous life else I'd be dead by stupidity. I don't have a lot to remember from then except my knowledge anyway so I should be fine. I just have to survive the new death game of life in a new world. So basically keep doing what I did before this. Now that I think about it, not much has changed for me. I'm alone, I'm left to do things by myself, and I don't have anyone to rely on but a random voice I hear in my sleep.

I am also lost... God dammit. It's getting dark out too. I have a lot of things to eat and study but now I need to find a way to make fire. Good thing I remember watching Survivors. Starting fires is a necessity if I don't have cover.

And as soon as I think about getting wood, I see a light with smoke in the distance. That's a fire! Which means there's people! Dammit! How do I approach without getting killed!?

I'm at a loss for what I should do when I hear a scream from that direction. That… sounds like its not my problem but it's got to be better than scrapping around here in the dark. I run to the sound and fire. I'm thinking to myself wondering what might await me, which I should not be doing right now, but it's best to have options rather than not think about anything at all.

Have a plan. Think of scenarios that can benefit my outcome to live. Get an idea of what I can do with the minimal information I have based on dumb logic. Keep myself guarded and learn from the obstacle.

I finally made it to the scene and find an unsurprisingly common sight from my old world. Some girls by a turned over carriage are getting harassed by a group of bad guys. It looked like the bodyguards were taken out too. About three of them. All dead. It looked like the girls will be losing their chastity soon. One of them is a royalty it seems with how she barks at them with empty threats of her family. Kind of typical. I wonder how they would feel being saved by a random goblin? Probably think they just went from one messed up scenario to an even worse one, but I don't want to leave them like this. I soon get a terrifyingly terrible idea.

I throw a nearby stone and it hits my first target in the base of his nape. I don't know how but he suddenly drops to the ground on his knees and holds his neck swaying. 

Ah… did I hit a nerve?

 The five left see him drop. Two go to his aid and the other three look around to see what attacked. I got what I wanted them to do for now. Now to get them away from there. I sneak to another area around them and throw another rock with the same results. Wow. I must have some super aim or something! The last two are moving. The two by the first target join them and they spread out to cover ground. Perfect! Now get closer to the bustle. One of them is right on top of me. I'm starting to hesitate as he leans in to see through the brush I was behind, but he doesn't see me. He's looking beyond me. 

Yay green skin camouflage!

My heart is racing faster. The blood pumping past my ear drums. Closer… closer… not yet… Now!!

I grab his collar with one hand and cover his mouth with the other and wank him down into the brush. I hear a snap as he hits the ground. 

Shit! Did I kill him!? No!! No no no! No time to think about that right now! Move!

I take off to the other side of the opening without being seen. I stop to check the surroundings. The others go to where I left. 

Nice! This is getting too easy though…

 I sneak around to get closer to the girls and duck behind the carriage on the other side.

 Now what? I can't just call out to the girls and say "come with me if you wanna live." Can I even talk?

I stay where I am behind the carriage and think. It was no good since I don't even know what to tell them and I was running low on time.


Right. No time at all now. I hear one of the girls say.

"L-lady Halliway, what is going on?" Is this girl is a servant?

"I'm not sure, Christa." I take it this is the royal. "It looks like something is getting their attention right now. But I don't dare to know what it is. For all we know we could surrounded and get killed instantaneously."

Wow. Way to think ahead your highness. Okay deep breaths. Let see… "R-run…" I try to whisper. 

Oh gawd! What the hell!? That's the most masculine voice if I ever heard one!

 "G-get out… while they not looking." shit and my speech is choppy as fuck!! "Hurry!"

"M-M-Mistress~!?" the last girl says.

"I hear it too…"

I see a head peak around the carriage and I immediately duck and cover inside it through the sun window.

"What you doing!?" I whisper louder. "Leave! Now! Before you're seen!"

"Mistress, I'm scared!"

"Urgh…! Let's just do as he says and go! Hurry! To Manchester!"

Finally!! Awesome!

"B-but Lady Halliway!"

"Forget the stuff and go! When father hears of this, these bastards will be in for it. Go! Go!!"

Thank you, lady Halliway! They finally sneak away down the road. I now know where to go for the next town.

"Hey!!" Oh shit! Busted already!? "Get them! Don't let them get to town!"

The last three guys split to two chaser amd pressed me for time to react. I jump out the carriage and decide to follow the crowd through the trees. "Hey!!" And I'm seen. But he doesn't chase me. Funny how being a goblin has its advantages in the woods. I grab another rock as I close in on the two chasers and throw it as hard as I could. It hits one guys shoulder and he topples to the ground screaming. What the heck? I can't be that strong, can I? Come to think of it, I don't think I would ever be this calm before being a goblin. Is this really better for me than going back to being human? How about I test It? See how far I can actually go. I can't get too cocky though.

I get out of the brush and try to run faster. I haven't gotten tired yet so it should be okay. I catch up to the guy and he spots me and freaks out and trips over his own feet. Wow. I'm not that ugly. I jump past him and continue after the girls. Neither of them turn to look behind them, which is good for me. I don't need anymore freakouts right now.

I follow them until we reach a clearing. I stop before the forest ends and watch them continue to a walled in city. It was massive. I still can't believe that worked out how i hoped it would. My tiny mental celebration didn't last too long when I heard the two I left behind bickering on their way to me. Most likely going after the girls. They stop a good five feet behind me suddenly and just stare at me. I realize they had nervous expressions on their faces like they were looking at a ghost.

The girls were completely out of sight. Their catch was gone because of me, but they wouldn't move from that spot. Eventually they turned back and ran from me, even though I hadn't moved. 

Oh! Just remembered that was a rich girl carriage! I'll go grab some compensation for the road.