Chapter 2

Emma's POV

Emma parks her car into the parking spot and shuts it off as she exit her car and makes her way inside the hospitals morgue.

Emma showed her badge and was allowed in to the morgue being escorted by a doctor. They arrived and the doctor started to pull out the body that's covered with white sheets over the body and the doctor pulls the white sheet off.

Emma could tell that this is the man from the scene who had been murder. As she saw the stitches on his stomach and his eyes are closed.

"Give me a few moments." Emma said looking at the doctor as he nodded and left the room as she is wearing gloves thankfully as she begins to look at the body. The man appears to be late in his 30s, 6'2", with a slight chubby build going on, then the stab wound, on his stomach.

She goes to left up the body with her hands careful of the body as she rolls it to its side to get a better look at the stab wound. She saw that it was on his back to so he definitely was stabbed back there but how? That's a question that she needed answers for.

She then rolls the body back in its original position then she hears the door open and she looked up but no one was there but the door was making a creaking noise as it slowly opens all the way.

"Hello? Anyone there?" Emma asked looking at the door but then goes back to the body but when she goes to put her attention back on the body it was gone.

"What the.." Emma started to say until she heard heavily breathing behind her. She didn't even dare to look behind her until she felt a hand touched her shoulder and it felt cold and when she looked at the hand she could see it belongs to a man who looked like he is dead. She slowly turns her head behind to find no one there and she turns back and the body is back on its position on the metal table and she goes to closed it back up and start to exit for the building.

What did she see? She must just be tired or something. Cause that was impossible for her to see, right? She doesn't know what she saw but it felt so real to her?

She gets to her car and hops in and started it up until she gets a call and she looks at it this time and saw that its Eric calling her. She answers it hoping that Eric found something.

"Emma you need to head over to my place now." Eric said so fast she was unable to asked any questions.

"Whoa slow down buddy, I was about to head over there anyways, am guessing you found something." Emma said.

"Yeah I did, I think its important that only you see this and no one else." Eric said.

"No one else? You know you are keeping evidence now." Emma said.

"Yes I know but..look i think you will believe me and think am not crazy." Eric said.

"Alright, I be over there soon." Emma said with that she ends up the call and though it was weird for Eric to withhold information like that. He never been the one to hold information for a case. Especially for a cass like this he wouldn't. So what did he find? She hopes it will lead her to something at least as she has no lead so far.

Her only suspect so far is the graveyard owner. That's there only lead and suspect really. So it makes it seem easy to chose him to being the murder and that he somehow got behind the man and killed him from behind.

Emma then drives heading towards Eric's place that is almost closed to the edge of town before you can leave though.

Emma pulls up in the driveway and stops her car and shuts it off as she then gets out of the car and heads over to the front door and before she could even know Eric opened the door and closed it shut after pulling her in.

"Jeez Eric, you know that hurts." Emma said rubbing waist as she never seen Eric like this before. He was the one who was always calm and collective but to see him like this is strange.

"Sorry, I need you to believe alright, I also need you to not tell anyone." Eric said.

"Alright I get it, its just between me and you." Emma said as then Eric leads me to his photos that he has hanging until he pulls one off then hands it to Emma.

Emma looks at it curious until she saw a lady the same description that the graveyard owner gave her.

"Where did this get taken at?" Emma asked

Eric looked at Emma and kinda hesitants as he didn't want her to get involved with this but it is her job to do this so he sofly sigh and got the courage to now tell her.

"It got taken at the graveyard, I was just doing my thing and was just looking around until I got that photo with the woman just standing there, I took the next photo and she was gone." Eric said as he points to a photo that he had in the pile and Emma believes him.

She didn't understand why the woman was in the photo and how she is connected but she had to find out how these two things are connected and find the truth behind the case.

"Good work Eric, I want you to search up maybe any recent murders like this or try to dig up something from the past." Emma said as they likely won't find much as a child she growup here and nothing ever happened here so this was something new that she never experienced before and doesn't even know where to begin to search.

"Of course, I will try to see what I can dig up and I will call you when I find anything." Eric said Emma nodded as she then takes her leave exiting the house and heads towards her car and she gets in and bends down to start up the car and when she comes back up in the back from the mirror she can see the man that was killed with his face just like the woman's, all decay and ruin.

Emma just stare at him and he stare back until suddenly she got a knock on her window that made her jump from her seat and she looked to see Eric and she looked back at the mirror and didn't see the man and she rolls down her window.

"Hey I forgot to asked you something." Eric said Emma wondered what he wanted? It most be important enough for him to tap on her window of her car.

"Okay, what do you want to asked?" Emma asked.

" wanted. I..i mean if you want to...if you have time you know...when you solve the case...or just need a break from ever want something together?" Eric asked.

Emma didn't expect this, especially from him. She never had the time or thought about settling down and have a family, the idea had once cross her mind but when she joined the police force the idea just faded in the back of her mind ever since.

"Umm...i mean..yes you know what I will like that, how about once this case is over we can have ourselves a little vacation." Emma said smiling st him as she thought that it was a good idea as once this case is done and finished she can relaxed and the town can last without her for a few days.

"Okay sweet, sounds like plan." Eric said smiling back as he then heads towards his home and waves goodbye towards her and she waved goodbye as well then rolls up her window and gets out of his driveway and heads towards the police station where her office is.

She wondered if she made the right choice? Like what if she made a bad choice by doing that as the killer might know and come after Eric. Well if they do then they will have to come after her as well as she won't let them get him that's for sure.