Chapter Sixteen

Granger burst through the door with Guinevere in his arms. He scowled down at her skin slowly growing pale and her lips becoming dry. It took him almost an hour to defeat the three-headed snake for he was fighting safe, avoiding the same fate as her. The animals here in the Mountains were the same as the demons. He knew the snake's venom was poisonous, but he didn't expect Guinevere to be knocked out that early.

Granger found an old handsewn mattress in one of the house's open rooms divided only with torn curtain, settling down Guinevere on it.

Having no knowledge of curing snake venom, Granger frowned at his Gwen in self-regret. "I should've known better not to bring you with." What he wanted to imply was, 'I shouldn't have let you in my life ever again knowing I'll only put you in grave danger'.


Seconds turned to hours and night has fallen. Going outside was a death wish. Granger had managed to put up a fire, enlightening the place.

The house wasn't safe for there were holes big and small alike on every wall. So Granger put up a simple protection spell that would camouflage the house from every demon in the perimeter.

As the fire crackles, Granger laid Guinevere's head on his lap, playing with her fiery red curls of hair. Granger couldn't fathom it anymore so he summoned a healing fairy to diagnose what happened with her. The diagnosis: the venom wasn't lethal but it would paralyze her lower body for a few hours. She was slowing him down from completing this mission, but he had no reason to hate her for it.

He wondered what life would be like had they not reunited. He'd be thinking about no one but himself, executing S-level missions like it was a walk in the park. Albeit life would be full static as well even if he was used to being alone. He was still afraid he might become just the Empire's human killing machine.

All of a sudden, Granger was motivated to protect her if it's what costs to keep her at his side. He's going to promise to himself he's not going to leave her anymore and he's willing to kill anyone who dares to lay a finger on her.


Granger looked down as Guinevere mumbled weakly in her sleep. He places a hand on her shoulder as he shakes her gently. "Gwen?"

Her emerald green eyes slowly opened. Rolling on her back, she winced in confusion as her vision goes back to normal. She looked up at him with a weakish smile. "Thank you for saving me."

Granger was flattered, but he shook it off with a shrug. "It'd be cruel of me not to."

Playfully, Guinevere reached in to pinch his cheek. But before she could, he refrained her hand from doing so. "No." He said deeply, making her chuckle.

"What? You're cute." She said. He rolled his light red eyes at her. "Is the mission done yet?"

"Don't tell me you wanna back out already?"

"I know I can anytime. I'm just a ride-along for you anyhow. I'm not really an assassin for the Empire."

"Suit yourself. I don't care if you back out."

Guinevere smirked, seeing through his white lie. "I think I'm beginning to understand your love now, Granger."

"What do you mean?"

"You love me, in a different way."

"I love you in many ways."

Butterflies began to emerge in the redhead's stomach as she shrieked, making him jump.

"Quiet down." He demanded softly, making her apologize immediately.

She stilled her eye contact on the scar across his eye. As he dauntingly looked back, she could feel herself being pulled by an inevitable force. He then leaned down to kiss her forehead. Guinevere couldn't hide her blush anymore, and the warmth coming from the fire was not helping.

Just as they were about to proceed, a wolf howled from outside, putting Guinevere to her defensive state. She quickly stood up, only to fall right back down on beside him on the mattress. "I-I can't feel my feet!" She gasped, panicking.

"Relax. The paralysis will wear off in a few hours." Granger explained, and after regenerating to her normal breathing, she settled back against his chest.

Guinevere looked down at her feet and frowned the two fresh red dots. She thought about the ambush earlier on. They became so distracted that she wasn't able to feel there was a predator nearby. Had Granger made a small mistake, they would be left for dead.

"Are we going to stay here for a few hours then?" She asked, breaking the silence.

"We can't leave with you being temporarily disabled. My back might not take it."

"Are you taunting my weight?"

"Maybe so." He sighed, withdrawing a yawn. Guinevere espied the fatigue in his eyes. "Granger, have some sleep, for God's sake."

"If I do the protection spell on the house will disperse."

"I can replace it with mine. Now come here." She ordered harshly, patting her lap. "I'll be the one to protect you now, alright?"

"I'll always protect you, dear. No matter what it takes."

Granger looked away upon remembering his mother. Confused, Guinevere frowned. "Did I say something wrong?"

"Nothing." He said, before obeying her orders. He gently laid his head on her lap and the smell of her perfume immediately tranquilized his anxiety.

His hair looks so beautiful in this brightness, Guinevere thought, smiling at the only white part of his hair. It looked as though he had been struck by ice magic. Perhaps this was what actually happened.

Guinevere began humming a song. Granger slowly felt at peace as he stared at the fire for a couple of hours before finally surrendering to sleep.

Guinevere thought about his wholly bandaged body under the dark spiky coat. She pondered about what his skin would look like bare. Sure, she's saw him topless before but he didn't take off his bandages. He was like a walking healthy mummy. A handsome one at that.

Guinevere unzipped his mask, revealing his whole face. He looks so gorgeous and yet so dangerous at the same time; a deadly combination.

Up close, she would always realize how his facial structure changed. The baby face was gone and was replaced by cheekbones while his dark brown eyes became demonic red.

If this is what it costed him as an orphan in the Empire, being taught how to kill at an early age for future deployment, then Guinevere could never forgive herself to be living so lavishly in their Capitol, knowing abandoned children such as Granger were forced to become demon hunters and servants of the Empire for the rest of their lives.

Sure, he has it better than others now that he's a Hunter, though Guinevere still couldn't bear the fall he had to take in order for himself to rise again.