Chapter Forty One

"Done!" Jane sang. She stepped away, spinning the chair to see how Guinevere looked. Guinevere examined the bloodstone she now wears. Its color... It's similar as what the Dark Abyss would look like if she had the opportunity of visiting.

"Now time for you to change your dress. You've been wearing that purple gown ever since you were what, still in the Academy? I'm surprised you still fit in that corset even after you bore a child."

Guinevere turned away from the dresser, being led by mother to her walk-in closet. Jane offered her company but Guinevere guaranteed she was better off alone.

"Alone at last," Guinevere muttered, scrunching up in the corner. A hung suit hanging from above fell on her lap. Her bewitched eyes glimmered as the familiar scent enters her nostrils.

It was the custom-made suit Granger wore, she remembered. A longing for affection washes over her, making her tear down all of her resistance. She pulled the suit closer as though it was a person, hugging it ever so tightly.

"Oh, Granger..." She could only say his name in an undertone, afraid Jane will hear her.

The bloodstone glowered and it's as though Guinevere has been possessed by an otherworldly demon. She throws the suit away. When her normal self reemerges, her eyes glimmered in tears.

You promised yourself you would never return in this hellhole of a place again yet here you are! Her inner self screamed.

"Gods. W-What should I do?" She whispered. "Should I leave? A-And... Ah!"

Her head begins throbbing in forcible pain. It feels like a a strong magnetic force is pulling all of her weight against the floor, her neck could snap.

Guinevere screamed again, louder than before that it sounded more as though she was being shred to pieces. Lady Jane sighed hopelessly before coming in.

"Release." She said in a rather boorish tone, making whatever presence was torturing her daughter.

Guinevere breathed heavily, bumping her mother's shoulder as she stormed out.

"Guinevere, wait."

"I want out, mother!" The redhead declared strong, having no time to waste.

Jane gave her an undiscerning look. "So all this time, you weren't under a spell?"

Guinevere continued taking her stand as she unclasped the bloodstone necklace. "You're brave to belittle me. Have you forgotten I was the top student of the Academy?"

"You were the best there only because you are a Baroque!"

"The Academy isn't biased. I became the best simply because I  am the best. When there were exams, I would study my whole arse off and I would befriend teachers who I rather be mortal enemies with. I would also betray people who were nice to me so that I can remain the best. I did all of that yet still not once did seek any emotional support and guidance from anyone for any one of that, not even from you!"

With greeted teeth, Guinevere cle clenched the bloodstone into pieces. As she let the crumbles fall astray, her mother's glowing green eyes narrowed at her.

"You are better off dead, after all."

Though the words stabbed right through, Guinevere managed to laugh out loud to taunt her. "That's what I've been wanting to hear. Truth be told, I always knew you feel that way about me. Ever since I was born you already hated me, mother."


Silvanna trudged down the grand stairs of the Sanctuary, her bosoms slightly bobbing. She smiled as she approached her two Chevaliers. "I'm glad you arrived safely." She beamed, looking over at the youngling in Granger's hold. "And who might this be?"

"Your Majesty, this is Gwyneth, my daughter." Granger introduced.

Silvanna brushed her index finger softly against the baby's head. "Sleep peacefully, dear one. This was will be over soon."

"Princess, we need you at the front!" A high-ranked military personnel screamed from a distance.

"Silvanna, I have to speak with you." Granger quickly said, stopping the knightess.

"Go on then."

"Lady Jane of House Baroque, I think she's with the Abyss."

"I already know, Granger. Alucard told me. Not only Jane Baroque. At least a quarter of the whole magic nobles in the Land."

"Wow. I never knew there were so many."

"Apparently, it seemed after I took over the throne, almost all of the citizens of the Empire dislike me." Silvanna frowned deeply.

Granger stepped closer. "Don't let it get to you, princess. For me, I think you're doing great as a young female leader."

Harith furiously glanced at the two of them, sensing a heavy warm tension in the uprising. "Uh, Granger? Your daughter's saliva is kind of oozing."

"Go to me once you found the others then. I'll be at my tent." Silvanna said before walking away.

Once she's gone, Harith elbowed Granger's hip, making the Death Chanter squeak in pain.

"Harith, what was that for?!"

"You're lucky I didn't go for your crotch, Granger." Harith said his name in Silvanna's soft accent. Granger kept his cool and walked with Harith inside the Sanctuary, the kingdom and sacred temple of the empire first built by Moon elves.


Jane began immensely fanning herself. "The bloodstone isn't working on Guinevere." She announced to everybody in the table.

"Why must you be so eager to have her your way, Jane?!" Thamus commented, frustrated, his demonic voice booming out of the meeting hall. "We should focus on the main concern here rather than your daughter. I think she's old enough to make her own choices so let her be for the benefit of everyone. Dammit! This is giving me a headache."

"Did you hear that clearly, Jane? So stop being a helicopter parent." Alice moaned.

"This is all your fault, you winged hag. You said the bloodstone will work!"

"It does." Alice barked back. "Excluding for people such as Gwendolyn."

"Guinevere. But what are you talking about the stone unable to work on my daughter?"

"Your daughter is of pure light. There's no at least one sliver of darkness in that girl. She doesn't have any desire to do something bad and that is why the bloodstone doesn't affect her. My, you're such a slow poke. I thought you already knew."

"Cirilla never told me that." Jane admitted and Alice loudly scoffed at her.

"Cirilla Paxley was my good friend. In which I gave her the bloodstone for the same purpose she must have given it to you."

Lady Jane decided to change the subject, not appreciating Alice's unfriendly atmosphere slightly wearing off. "I just want what's best for my daughter."

"Then let her go, or if this helicopter parenting doesn't stop then I'll have to kill the source of it. My son's dream to be King awaits," Grumbled Thamuz, throwing a warning look over Jane's way. "Now let's get back to our plan."


"Gwen!" As she was about to go inside a door, Guinevere turned around to face Gusion. He carried a usual faint-worthy smile as he walks over casually. Guinevere couldn't help but experience deja vu.

"Gusion, what are you doing here?"

"Your mother invited me. I came as soon as she sent me a letter." He shared. As though she's been struck of a lightning bolt, Guinevere flinched away as Gusion lifted her hands endearingly. The chills weren't uncomfortable.

"Gusion, I-"

Gusion kisses her ring finger, making her cringe internally. "Gwen, whether you like it or not. You are already my wife."

This can not be happening, Gwen hoped.

Seeing a figure looming in the corner, Guinevere stammered. "W-What proof do you have then, Gus?"

"Our parents and the priest who baptized us both. Thus for we are already engaged since birth, with or without your consent and mine, we will be wed no matter-"