Knight message(1588)

This is the story of horved hutson, the head knight of the Kingdom of espoir de cristal training the man of the of espoir de cristal and held in the highest honor by the king initially just being a kid killing livestock until nearly getting kidnap by some bandits but was safe by a knight who eventually took him as a son upon discovering he was an orphan. One day when walking to see his daughter slen hutson at the church of gikcon praying at statue of mother gikcon naked with gawnerella Calyhony heard your leaving to joakke ur nafka "father nice seeing you before I go" the two sitting down "you look worried about something" "it about the how gawnerella what to be a knight" looking over to her "she still a child, she grow out it" maybe the holy gikxuk has other plan for her. Fate has a strange way of pulling of the sting, a gard coming into to see horved "we found the murder chief" getting up "it look like it time get back to work" gawnerella going up to him giving a necklace "what this" "it the Angel of honor sir horved" "think future princess of espoir de cristal" horved with heading to theater host by fandollin bathory upon getting there saw the man tie up to a chier. Taking away the man "do you have monmet sir horved" turning to her "take to jail, I'll join up with you later" grabbing his hand "come to my room to talk" "your gonna tell my fortune in bed?" looking embarrassed "no I already have two kids to feed and last leather condom break on me" "it just a joke but back on track what the reason you bring me here" "oh right sorry, it about the trip your going on" is it bad or good. Let just get the point, your lucky number isnt three and your be presented with by a surprise that wall lead to your future but a roted apple lay in you basket "I'll be heading back to the castle" taking his hand and giving him a purple stone "this is for your daughter when she come back form joakke" returning back to king gilno "the murder is gone and no longer on street" I expected nothing less but more importantly I mission for you come with me.

Going in a room with Cinderella Calyhony "my princess what may you need me for" sitting down "sir horved I dream of utilizing the land of malhen" "my lady it not as easy as it should, you should talk to the advisor this" gilno giving three letter "my son prince veter took care of that for you" when to wear to we depart. Cinderella looking at him "did fandollin see you" "yes but would you know" "this is not the first time done something like this so what did tell you" "three being a unlucky number, a surprise, and rotted apple" the next morning when horved got moving to the kingdom of kotyuh as cinderella looking through a window "I know you're there veter" walking to her "you look worried about something" it the the fortune fandollin gave me. He the head knight, let put our faith in him "your right we just wait here until" after passing the mountain road traveling through some town and stopping at the town of gemyune "alright let get some rest here in town" later that night one of the knights to chick on horved "may I come in" opening the door then the two sitting down "is it true that there is a traitor among us" lossen kenge there a reason I place this trust upon you. You know how to present the request of Cinderella to the leader of a kingdom or city, the early morning of the next day making it to the main gate a guard goes to them "do you have business with queen Elizabeth?" lossen speaking on the behalf of horved "yes we wish to queen on the behalf of princess cinderella" "right we noticeable the her this instant" the guard leading them to the throne room "wait here I'll go and tell queen elizabeth your here" do you think she here at her castle. Thank for your patience what may your princess request of me, lossen walking up to giving the letter and return back with elizabeth taking a letter opener "I see so she unite the kingdom and city together as one nation" the scholar next to elizabeth whispering into her ear "very I'll accept your invitation but like to speak to your leading knight" yes my lady.

Horved and elizabeth heading into a empty war room "may I respectfully asked why are we in a war room" taking a sitting "my daughter Jorinda kon is play with the future king, joringel Calibrid are playing" "fair point" "does Cinderella know what she doing?" "yes she spoke to the castle advisor about this before asking for my help" the knight you sent up is a former scholar. It does show a lot even the training "but she aware of the other cultures that may damper her wish of uniting malhen" "that he there" "the kingdom of korrl morrand is difficult it place because of it politics" "thank for the head up" "tomorrow morning your group will getting a letter for her but for relaxed for time being" horved going to the training area to see the knight sparring with the knight of kotyuh. Your going to sprain your arm that way, going to the kotyuh knight "change you arm position to what I'm doing" the knight doing what he said along when the match was over a kotyuh knight came over to horved "are a teacher for the espoir de cristal knights" looking at him "yes and you would be the teach for this kingdom" picking up a sword "like to see how of the head knight of your kingdom fair" give me your name. I'm sorore oren, the head knight of kotyuh and you "I'm horved hutson, the head knight of espoir de cristal" the two sparring with it ending in draw as the practice sword cracking "your not bad the sword are crack" putting the swords away "I a good drinking spot in kingdom your in" "if you're offering yes be my guide" later after some drinking and returning to the castle's to get some sleep. That night when sorore was awake by a strange sound getting of the room quietly and looking over to a door with armor of the guest is being held putting his ear on the door hearing thrashing coming from the other side then after a bit hearing the stuff being put back in order, opening the door to see that whoever was in there was looking for something "what were you looking for" going to horved room to see them asleep.

The next morning, horved getting ready but before going sorore notified him about last night then making their way to the cajack sanctuary with no towns ahead being forced to camp for the night sitting up hammock on the trees until they reach the cajack sanctuary of which the group go to an inn for night. alright let go ask a guard where the conference building, lossen leading the way "I haven't forgetting teaching as scholar this way" leading them to the conference building upon getting there they were stop by the guard "what business do you have party of cajack "scholar knight here to negotiate on the behalf of princess Cinderella" we'll put in a request on the head cajack. After waiting a bit a guard open the door with a cajack with bottom up jacket and robes over that "place come knight of espoir de cristal" coming into the building seeing paintings of other cajack when they to a door "this ways the head knight and the scholar knight may only pass but rest of may wait in guest room after waiting for so time one of the knight hab korden. Looking around the room "never be in a city conference building before" "this is taking a while" a maid coming in offering up some food "will at last we got some food" after a while, horved and lossen coming out "what did they say" looking over to a knight "a messenger will be sent to espoir de cristal tomorrow morning" horved leading the way out "let stock up on supply for korrl morrand" hab you take half of the knight. Why do we have to buy the food and not medicine "your not that knowledgeable on that, beside korrl morrand is way far then what are used to" "we are likely to get sick on the way to there" picking up basket of apple while walking hab left hand started twitching as one of the knight jodok asdon noticed "what wrong" grabbing an apple "the farmer most by pound of they in mainland" especially with the Beck beauty.

Horved and lossen going to a witch for medicine with lossen looking intimidated by women, muscles that look like demonic stone along with a tail, taller than most "you're new here haven't seen you before are you from tailland" "yes we are form espoir de cristal" reaching for a box of medicine "how many knight are in your group" we have ten. Picking out the medicine for them "the capsule ones take before making your way they illness transferred by insects, this gel is for if you get cut by a plant and last an not lest this is for animals" lossen praying "thank you but about your payment" "your princess is going to pay for that but what would you leader name be" "my princess name is Cinderella Calyhony" looking shocked, the girl from the blacksmith family. You look surprised "I meant her before on my travels to tailland when the girl got sick" horved thinking to himself "oh you the one saved her from the green leather" lossen looking her "well think for remembering cinderella but we are going on our way" the two walking back to the inn "lossen we have one more kingdom to go to" "this is is going long way than usual" the morning the knights moving to there next destination. While traveling the to plains hab hand twitching got progressively worse as days gone be upon reaching the town of gonsent with hutson going the doctor to see if he some medicine by a woman came by and bought the last one "sorry hab there nothing we can do none of the medicine we have well help" grabbing some food with his right hand, let just get done with my left arm gone numb, how long do we have until we reach in kingdom. jodok getting up "your going to take leak" "yes I be right back" walking behind some trees then hearing a creaking sound in distance, getting cores walking over to the spot and saw a black armor woman but her head came off jodok shock by what he saw it wasn't natural then running back to other notifying them of his find but smoke enveloped the area as jodok is ahead.

When smoke clear out they saw the jodok got shot in the head and the grould were the black armor woman was now gone "what the hell was that smoke just now" hab looking the direction of jodok body "someone trying to keep a secret" horved going the ground the whatever he saw was at, but more importantly what was here. Making into the next town over horved gone to doctor "what bring you here to hometin" "one of my knights has fallen ill with stiffness started when we departed form cajack sanctuary" reaching for a box "I do not a remedy for that but have this fruit that help with that" "think you how much" "one gold" meeting up hab "you found a mountain fruit with the lost of feeling in left" get some rest tomorrow making to korrl morrand. Upon arriving at korrl morrand, lossen let the way to representative "so we can't just ask to meet with king" "no we have to get a representative" walking to the kells "time is on the essence with hab in the inn" "have faith in lossen knowledge" "but we not here for boobs and drinks right" "no were meeting up with a man who has the favor of the king" "so this is the place" stopped in front of one of a mansion. This is the place, looking at the entrance with statues of nude woman on the side then door opening to two maids wearing tight fitting outfit that expose the boobs "now I and horved will go meet we him" walking thought the hall seeing paintings depicting sexual acts "are you sure that this man is going to help" lossen knocking on the door "hold on" a man with white skin wearing cloth on his crotch, oh knights of espoir de cristal also a scholar form before. What pleasure does the princess have with this jester "Cinderella what to unite the land of malhen" licking his lips "that should like the princess alright so as such I'll help acquire her dream" horved speaking up "but you have some medicine for one of our comrades" point to a room "do you want to asked the bandit leader in tears of me using her because of the there no new medicine shipment" all do respect your methods usually breaks there minds.

Fair point fair point so let me get sent a letter to king ford first "we'll head to inn and get us when your ready" the next morning, Fynlo korr going to the inn "morning cinderella knights may we get moving" the walking the castle "so your the only one who is qualified to speak to king" "no but I'm the most reliable" so there other. Enough chatting let get your request in, after talking to the king "the king now looking into the request now and before you leave give the princess my thank" lossen, walking up to fynlo "thank on behind of the scholar" "once we returning the kingdom, hab will receive treatment" upon returning the cetition of hab worsen to the point of not being able move his left arm and left leg. Cinderella seeing horved group was relieved to him alive but sad to see one of knight was died and worried about hab heath then was immediately taken into the castle for treatment "thank for returning home head knight horved for everything so what the news" "it looking like we got the three kingdom and city it agree on meeting" veter holding his hand, we'll call over the war room once our guests arrive. Horved walking away but stopped by gawnerella "your to train me into a knight" cinderella looking at him "she wouldn't stop bugging me about it but it was on one condition" looking down on her "so what the condition" "I have to give birth to a child" looking up the cinderella, you choosing who it see correct.

My body hurt. Why did this have to happen to me, hearing the door open "a maid is here to comfort me" going to his bed but the maid pulled out a knife, no you're not.