Returning Home

"Finally, we are out of that hell hole." Exclaimed Michael in a relieved manner.

"Don't celebrate too early, we still need to make it back to the base and get cleansed, otherwise we are going to have an early grave." Remarked John in an even tone, despite feeling quite relieved himself.

"Let's just get a move on already, as I don't know about you guys but I really don't feel great right now." Claimed Joey impatiently.

After they had run away from the inhuman scream they had started to be attacked more frequently by dogs again with a few level 6 and 7 dogs being in the groups as well, and since they were on an unknown timer all of them had been anxious to get through as quickly as possible.

Now, the three humans had finally managed to make it out of the dog infested town and were arriving at where they parked their car. Their base was a little less than a day's travel away by car so they were quite eager to get going as the longer they took, the worse damage their soul would take.

The three immediately jumped into the car and started driving in the direction of the human settlement that had been established after the apocalypse started. There was a church there and that was exactly what they needed most right now, or more specifically, what they needed was the priests that work in the church.

As they were driving non stop, every few hours the three men would switch the roll of driving but even this started to not help after a while as they were tired from the exhausting experiences from before and due to the nature of soul corrosion they just got weaker and weaker as time went on.

After another sixteen hours the three mens complexions had visibly worsened with their skin going pale and starting to periodically get strong bursts of shivering despite it not being that cold.

Thankfully not long later the base came into view. The three men stopped the car at the front gate that had been constructed after the apocalypse started along with a large wall that lined the perimeter and waited for the man on duty to verify their identity from looking at a register with the names of all the people that had left the base.

Once that was done the three drove into the base and parked their car near their apartments as the streets were too crowded to safely drive through without it taking much more time than walking. Jumping out of the vehicle they quickly jogged through the town turned base as they ran past buildings and people that were trying to make the most of their lives given the current circumstances.

A lot of the residents of this base didn't choose the fighting route and instead of becoming mercenaries or guards they gained experience by cooking or sewing.

"I don't understand the appeal of becoming a cook or a blacksmith over a warrior." Stated Joey.

"Humans need both to survive so someone has to do it, plus it's safer." Replied John

"Well yeah, but if anything happens though they'll be defenseless."

"Thats where people like us come in, the human race won't survive if everyone's just in it for themselves, the combatants need the artisans to make them gear and the artisans need the combatants to protect them, that's just how it is now."

"I guess so."

With the conclusion of this brief discussion the trio arrived at the front door of the church, only a small part of this town was inside the makeshift wall that was set up as they don't have the manpower right now to defend it, so getting to places doesn't take long.

After arriving they entered the building and observed the foyer, there were two lines and a door which leads to the actual church where the priests give sermons and blessings.

The group immediately went to the line labeled urgent business which was used only for the most pressing of tasks, anyone could line up here and they'd get served quite quickly however if whatever they need isn't urgent and they just don't want to wait in line then they can get punished and kicked out of the church for a period of time.

"It's weird isn't it?" Asked Michael.

"What's weird?" Inquired Joey.

"The fact that the only group of people to immediately gain a profession when the collapse occurred were the priests and other such people who were devout in their faith. It didn't matter which faith they belonged to, as long as they followed the rules of their chosen religion and truly believed in it then they were immediately granted the option to become a priest or whatever else as their profession as soon as the system appeared. Even now, if someone learns all the laws of a religion and devoutly follows it then they too are granted the opportunity to become one such class."

"Well in my opinion it doesn't matter why, whether it be a god's blessing or other such nonsense, priests are vital in the current age so if it didn't give that class to a whole lot of holy men then we would be in a lot more trouble then we are now." Stated John

A middle aged man in a white robe suddenly walked up to them and inquired about their problem, to which they explained their current affliction. After this short interchange the man guided them to the cleansing rooms and one by one got them to enter the room, place their clothes on a shelf, kneel in the shallow pool of holy water as the priest said a prayer and a golden glow filled the room. After this, the affliction was removed.

"There, the stains upon your souls have been cleansed." Stated the priest with a light smile that caused anyone viewing it to immediately feel at ease.

"Thank you truly, we would have been in a very bad situation if it wasn't for you." Exclaimed Joey, with his gratitude evident by the tone of his voice.

"Think nothing of it, I was merely enacting god's will, however, I am curious, what manner of circumstance led to such darkness afflicting your very essence?"

"I'm not sure, but the system claimed that we had been exposed to residue energy of a creature with an opposing nature, left behind from a gate. So I think we might've discovered the location of one of the unique creatures." Replied John.

"Curious, very curious. Ah well, you need to recover so I will no longer keep you, keep working in the favour of god and I will always be here to help if you so require. Good day."

With that, the priest strode off to deal with other matters, leaving the trio to walk home.

"Those people who have sworn themselves to the church confuse me, I can never understand what drives them, and I highly doubt its as self righteous as they'd have everyone believe." Remarks Joey.

"Does it really matter why they do what they do? They help us, that's all I care about. So now, let's go get some well earned rest."

And with that final sentence from Michael the three of them went back to their individual apartments and went to bed.