Damn Cult

Arriving behind the church the trio crept up to the side of the building where one of the windows was cracked with pieces missing and listened. They weren't stupid and didn't stick there heads around the window because if one of the people looked over at a bad time then they'd be in trouble. However because of this, they couldn't see inside but they could still here quiet talking, and they recognised the voice of the employer along with the voices of what were most likely some of the companions.

"-lining the floor match those found at the other sites." They heard the employer saying.

"Yes. So lets start the procedure now so nothing troublesome happens. We've already done this a few times but you can never be to careful." Exclaimed a male voice.

"Yes, starting now." A third voice stated, female this time.

A high level of dark energy started to accumulate inside the church which quickly grew, causing the three hiding outside to shrink back in fear before quickly retreating from the area as they started to feel the dark energy break past the defences that the cultist placed on them earlier.

"Damn cultists, I knew they were fishy." John stated.

"What are they doing? Messing with a magic formation with current technology is suicidal!" Exclaimed Michael with wide eyes.

"They probably know what they're doing, which is honestly worse. The most we can do though is warn the base, come on guys." Responded John with a resolute expression.

They started jogging back towards their vehicles, travelling on the most direct path from their position. While they were moving they were assaulted by quite a few dogs but they were dispatched quickly and they kept moving.

Upon reaching their car they unlocked the door and immediately jumped in it before quickly driving away, back in the direction of the base.

While driving, John thought about the situation thus far, but could truly not figure out anything apart from the cultists wanting something with the runes that were supposedly on the ground.

As they were driving they also had all reached level 15 so they each gained a class; all of them going for combatant as it had a well rounded attribute bonus that would be a useful foundation for them before choosing a more specialised class.


A well rounded foundation for anyone planning on making a living through combat.

Acquisition Requirements:

Have fought off ten enemies (complete)

Have an understanding of any type of weapon (complete)]

A day later they arrived back at the base to which they immediately went to the local law enforcement office, which dealt with both management and defence of the base, to report the cultists to the authorities.

They entered the recommissioned office building and filled out the form before walking to the lady at the reception and handing the form to her. After she quickly looked over it her eyes widened slightly.

"Is this true? Be warned that falsely reporting cultic activity is grounds for punishment as all information based on cultists is vital and will be acted upon immediately after what happened at Farlin." The receptionist warned.

"This is true and verified." John responded.

"Ok then, we will look into this immediately."

After reporting, there was nothing else the three could do about this matter so they left the building and went to utilise the rewards they received from the cultists.


Kasdeya was having a lovely dream about a fiery hellscape filled with jagged rocks and perilous cliffs when her eyes suddenly darted open and she leapt out of her alcove and jogged towards the door.

"What the heck is this?"

It was late afternoon and she could feel something in the distance. It felt like a strong pressure bearing down on her which instinctively made her feel scared and want to get away.

Not understanding what this feeling was but knowing to trust her instincts she climbed up a building and quickly started travelling in the opposite direction to where the pressure was originating from. After travelling for half an hour she came to the border of the town and was greeted by long, grassy plains but she didn't stop and just kept moving.

After running until nightfall Kasdeya started to get a bit exhausted so she slowed down to a brisk walk.

'What was that?'

Now that Kasdeya had a moment to think she started pondering what happened.

'I was just minding my own business when I suddenly felt a great pressure, but what caused it? Was there some sort of threat that suddenly manifested? I truly have no idea.'

Not knowing anything slightly annoyed her but once again she couldn't do anything about it so she just kept walking. An hour later she came across a herd of what looked like gazelle sleeping in the field. Deciding that they looked like a good meal she crouched low and started creeping towards them and when she was close enough she got an inspection message.

[Level: 6 - 13

Race: Silvis]

[Level: 3 - 4

Race: Fulgur]

[Level: 2 - 6

Race: Lumen]

The Silvis' looked like normal gazelle while the Fulgur looked like the Silvis just with blue streaks down its side and jagged horns and the Lumen just looked like a really buff Silvis with their horns curving around their heads and pointing forward.

'Hmm, I'm guessing that the Silvis is the original creature and the other two are different evolution options. In a combat situation this might be tough because their levels aren't that different from mine and those two buff ones look like they're going to be trouble, better take care of them first.'

Creeping around in the tall grass she started to feel like a cute little creature that would attack random teenagers and be shoved inside a ball. After getting to the best position she dashed out of the grass and stabbed into the back of one of the buff gazelle which suddenly spun around and dislodged her to which she responded by crouching low and lunging towards its leg and succeeding in tearing out a piece of flesh from its leg.

The buff gazelle responded by letting out a cry, alerting the rest of the herd and then charging forward with its sharp horns in line with Kasdeya who immediately jumped out of the way. Another buff gazelle decided to support its companion as a few of the blue gazelle also came to help their brethren, the rest turned and ran.

The two lumen charged toward Kasdeya from different angles as the four fulgur started making a strange noise as their hair turned spiky and a few bolts of electricity shot from their horns to Kasdeya's position and struck her side.

'EVEN GAZELLE CAN USE MAGIC!? I really need to up my game in that field because I'm falling behind.'

Quickly shaking her slightly spasming limbs she dodged around a charging lumen and ran towards the fulgur while paying close attention to them in the hopes of dodging their attack right before it was fired.

Her avid attention was rewarded as right before one of the fulgur released a lightning strike it would jerk its head forward which was her que to leap out of the way.

Arriving next to one of the fulgur she quickly tore into it with her claws spraying blood everywhere and it died with an agonised cry.

This seemed to have enraged the surviving members as the fulgur started to attack irregularly making it harder to dodge the three of them and the lumen were running even faster.

Narrowly avoiding a lumen that just sprinted past her she got struck in the back by a fulgur right as the other lumen reached her position and tried to gut her. She awkwardly fell to the side as it narrowly missed her and as it ran past she stabbed her claws out and raked them down the side of its body eliciting another squeal before it fell down.

The last lumen had just turned around and started charging at her again as Kasdeya was doing a strange dance trying to avoid all the lightning attacks while creeping closer to the fulgur.

The lumen reached her again and she spun to the side of it just as a fulgur shot at her location causing it to hit the buff gazelle instead making it trip. This opportunity was not missed and Kasdeya quickly gutted the creature before sprinting to the remaining fulgur and finishing them off until there was only one left which decided to turn and run.

'Few, that was a bit of a workout, nothing quite like a bit of electric therapy to get the blood pumping. My clothes are slightly scorched now though.' Kasdeya thought as she looked at her shirt that had gone from a clean black, to a stained black and now it was a charred black. 'I also want to see if I can find something to support my now enlarged chest as it seems that females are more sensitive than males and I find it slightly distracting in battle constantly feeling the fabric of my shirt rub against my jiggling breasts.' Kasdeya pondered as she once again was ignoring the new and foreign stimulation.

Walking over to one of the fulgur she started tearing into the creature and found it's flesh and blood to be quite rich in flavour. As she was eating it she also noticed that more energy was being passed around and assimilated in her body originating from her stomach.

'So if I eat a magic creature then I can take in some of their energy, that's pretty nice.'

Finishing off her meal she decided to go and eat one of the buff gazelle before she left.

After finishing the buff gazelle she grabbed one of the corpses and ripped off its legs before walking over to a small tree in the distance and sitting down with her legs crossed again ready to continue her magic practice.