This Guy Needs Some Serious Dating Advice

Not long after Kasdeya started practicing with runes the sun started to rise. To which Kasdeya responded by entering a nearby building and then continuing to practice all throughout the day, slowly getting better at drawing the runes while experimenting with their certain parameters.

'So it seems certain runes with complimentary effects can be combined if they are layered and joined right, but the more runes I want to combine the harder it is to draw, which makes sense. Currently the most intricate rune I can draw would be a mana disruption rune that messes with the flow of mana in the target area. Making it harder for me to cycle and apply mana as well as carve runes. This could be useful if I drew it on an object and activated it when a magic attack is being aimed at me so I don't get hit by it. However I'll need to keep experimenting.'

After the sunset over the horizon Kasdeya then took a break and walked out of the building, planning on looking for some imps to kill so she could eat something.

Kasdeya was in a good mood and happily skipped along with her tail rhythmically swinging behind her. When suddenly a voice appeared from the opposite direction to where she was walking.

"Hello little Devil."

Jumping slightly Kasdeya quickly spun around and immediately lowered her body slightly and narrowed her eyes while glaring at the new person. He appeared to be a demon of some sort with horns coming out of his forehead that curled back over the top of his head and dark skin, hair and eyes and was standing roughly 1.8 meters tall. But what really put her on edge was the terrible sense of foreboding that she got when she looked upon this individual, as if all her instincts were screaming at her to run, and when she inspected him all that appeared was.

[Level: ???

Race: ???]

"My my, aren't you a feisty one, though you truly are as beautiful as the report claimed." The man stated.

"I appreciate the compliment but do you mind introducing yourself?" Kasdeya replied as she started backing up slowly, looking for an opportunity to run.

"Oh, where are my manners. I am his excellency the Lord of Greed, Harjin Mammon, and I have come to claim my prize." Harjin said as a grin appeared on his face.

"Prize? If you mean the relic then I don't have it, and I think I'll be taking my leave now as I'm sure you're going to be very busy finding it."

"Relic? Oh I don't care about the relic, my cute little devil. What I want is you."

Completely dumbfounded, Kasdeya replied with, "I'm sorry, what?"

"Come, join hands with me and be my bride, I'm certain you won't regret it." Harjin stated while extending one of his hands in what was probably supposed to be a welcoming gesture, but it just looked possessive.

'IS THIS GUY SERIOUS? WHERE DID HE LEARN HOW TO ASK PEOPLE OUT?' Kasdeya thought as she rapidly tried to think of a plan, in the end she figured that since this guy was intelligent enough to hold a full conversation then she should just be direct.

"Sorry, but I think I will have to decline. I'm definitely not looking to get married right now and even more so due to the strangeness of... everything."

After hearing her reply the Demon Lord's smile faded and he lowered his hand staring at her, before saying "Hmm, that is truly unfortunate, but I think there has been a miscommunication here."

"What do you mean?" Kasdeya asked slowly as she started to get a horrible feeling.

"What I mean is, you seem to be under the misconception that I'm offering you a choice, you will be mine, and I will do with you what I want." And with that he suddenly disappeared, appearing right in front of Kasdeya with an arm outstretched trying to grab her.

Kasdeya very narrowly avoided getting grabbed as she ducked out of the way and tried to swipe Harjin with her claws, only to have her claws slide through his body as if he wasn't even there before he spun around and kicked her in the stomach causing her to go flying backwards into a nearby building.

"You truly do have the tenacity befitting one of your kind, but I've seen many Devil's rise and fall over the past few millennia and know quite a few of their strengths and weaknesses, however you have barely evolved enough to even require me to use that knowledge." Harjin stated as he brushed some dust off his immaculately carved robes, embroidered with thin strands of precious materials.

Coughing slightly Kasdeya got up from the ground with shaking legs as her instincts were screaming at her to flee, but she knew she couldn't, not in front of this absolute power before her.

"I really don't think that you understand the situation that you're in my darling wife, the only reason you are still alive right now is because I have yet to actually start fighting with you. Stop resisting and come along of your own accord, it will be far less painful than the alternative."

"Go screw yourself." Kasdeya replied, spitting in the direction of the Lord of Greed.

"So be it, after I capture you I doubt it will take long to turn you into a subservient wife. So I guess I can take this a little more seriously."

After saying this, the Lord of Greed raised his right hand with his palm open and aimed it at Kasdeya's location. Right before an enormous pressure descended onto Kasdeya, even worse than what she felt when she was still in the dog infested town.

'This is not looking good, I truly don't seem to have a way to beat this guy, danmit, why did he have to show up? Everything was going perfectly fine before this.'

Suddenly a ball of dark energy gathered in the palm of Harjin's hand and quickly condensed before firing at Kasdeya who narrowly avoided the projectile. Right after, the Demon Lord started constantly firing these energy balls at Kasdeya as she desperately tried to not let any of them touch her, however her struggle was in vain as there was just to many of them and after dodging for a few seconds one struck her side causing her limbs to temporarily stop responding as agony burst out across her body and she was flipped backwards across the pavement while crying out in pain.

"This can all be over if you just submit." Harjin stated with a casual smile as he started walking towards Kasdeya who was trying to force her battered body off the ground.

"F*ck. You." Kasdeya gasped out in between breaths.

"Ok, play time's over. You're coming with me now." and with that Harjin made a small gesture and a square barrier suddenly materialised around Kasdeya restricting her escape and only allowing her a square meter of movement area.

"See, I told you it would end this way, and you could have saved yourself a whole lot of pain by simply complying." The Demon Lord stated frankly.

'Shit, shit, SHIT! How am I supposed to get out of this situation.'

While rapidly thinking of her options, Harjin started going on a classic villain rant as Kasdeya started to secretly sketch a mana destabilization rune on the ground in the hopes that it would affect the barrier.

"- so now that you're mine, I will transport you back to my domain."

Ending his rant Harjin reached into his robe and pulled out a black ball that seemed to have dark blue energy swirling inside and he casually tossed it towards Kasdeya who just finished her rune.

Looking up and seeing the strange object fly toward her and pass through the barrier Kasdeya panicked and quickly activated her rune which caused it to give off a glow, right as the black ball seemed to twist into itself and turn into a black void much like the one that appeared in the unknown space when Kasdeya was dead.

However, unlike that one, this gate did not seem to form correctly and, as soon as the rune's influence hit it, it started contorting and bending the space around it right as it gained an irresistible pulling force which dragged Kasdeya into it.

"YOU FOOL! YOU NEVER MESS WITH THE INTEGRITY OF A GATE!" Cried out Harjin as he dashed towards the gate, but right before he reached it, Kasdeya had been completely drawn into it and the area around the gate suddenly contorted and let out a massive shockwave blowing back the Lord of Greed before laying waste to the surrounding area and closing.

"SHIT! I should've just knocked her out. DAMN IT!" The Demon Lord screamed as his power burst out of him and destroyed a kilometre in every direction before he pulled it back in.

"Now I have lost the greatest prize I've seen for the past 1 000 years. I can only hope the gate still opened up in my territory as it was originally meant to. As soon as I get back I will get all of my subordinates to start looking for her. I will have my prize!"