The Bone Camp

Having figured out how to make the fire rune explode, Kasdeya had the innovative idea of making an exploding bone that was a bit more practical and didn't require it to shatter against a hard surface.

'Giving myself a strength boost is mana consuming which is a bit of a waste and it would also be very useful if I can have it on a timer of sorts so I could simply lob it into a group or next to an enemy then have it detonate. But for this I would need to make the bone break on its own.'

Continuing to walk, Kasdeya tried to think of any rune that could possibly make the bone break, but this proved to be challenging as her instinctual dictionary also didn't include any nice runes like 'weaken', or 'break'.

'Actually, maybe the bone doesn't need to break and instead the requirement is for the rune to be damaged.'

Testing this theory, Kasdeya poured a very minimal amount of mana into a bone and then immediately stabbed another bone into the rune when the fire appeared. The result was the same as when the bone was destroyed, just with a much smaller explosion as Kasdeya had used much less mana.

'So this definitely gives me a few more options to work with.' Kasdeya thought as her mind wandered to the first rune she had tried out and then never used again.

Grabbing out yet another fire engraved bone, Kasdeya decided to stop her experimenting after this if it didn't work as her number of fire bones had decreased to the single digits.

Kasdeya than carved a condense rune into the opposite side of the bone and channeled mana into both runes while chucking it away, the end result was exactly as she wanted as the bone flew through the air, lightly thudded against the ground and then after a few seconds exploded.

'I'm so glad this worked, I figured that since the condense rune messes with the size and shape of the object then it will mess up the rune carved into the bone causing it to explode, and now that I have figured this out. I guess I should actually accomplish the task at hand. Honestly I'm shocked that all of my playing hasn't attracted any unwanted attention.' Kasdeya thought as she finally finished circling the entire bone wall.

As she thought, there were no entrances and the bone wall was solid all the way around. Kasdeya guessed that the bone weaver either has no reason to exit its fort or that it could just make the bones move out of the way if it wanted to leave, which was more likely as it was called the 'bone weaver' which would infer that it could control bones.

'So, depending on how tough this wall actually is, I can either climb up the wall and attempt to be stealthy or try to blow up the wall with the new exploding bone I have recently discovered. Though I still want to save the exploding bones for better situations as I still don't have many left, so it looks like I'll be climbing.'

Walking towards the wall until she was right next to it, she placed her right palm onto the bone to feel how smooth it was. The wall wasn't that rough but it wasn't exactly smooth either, then extending one of her claws and imbuing her arm and fingers with a bit of mana, she pierced her claws into the bone and started climbing up. She couldn't tear out portions of the wall without expending a lot more mana than she would like to but simply digging in her claws enough to climb was child's play.

Reaching the top of the wall, Kasdeya peaked her head over the top and gazed at the environment inside of the bone wall. What she saw could only be described as a bone camp. There were some tents, what looked to be racks holding various objects and some strange creatures wandering around, all of which were made of bone. On closer inspection, even the creatures appeared to be made of bone as they were living skeletons with a bone sword or bone spear.

'This bone weaver would be popular at halloween.' Kasdeya thought as she waited for the moment when none of the skeletons were looking her way, then vaulted over the wall and landed nimbly like a cat.

Quickly dashing behind the closest bone tent, Kasdeya watched as the strange beings slowly plodded along. They seemed to have pre set routes that they followed and all of their actions were clunky and not at all fluid.

'These things seem more like robots than living creatures, just mindlessly doing their pre programmed task. Though I guess that would make my job a bit easier.' Kasdeya thought as she observed the paths the skeletons would take.

'I need to find wherever the relic is, and, most likely, it is with the bone weaver as I wouldn't leave some super valuable and important object just lying around. All of the tents look the same though so I guess I will just have to search through them one by one while trying not to get caught.'

Kasdeya continued to watch the skeletons for a little longer while slowly figuring out which skeletons would move where at what times so she could decide which order to search through everything.

In the end Kasdeya decided to peek into the tent she was already at first so she crept around it and, luckily for her, the tents were unlike the wall and actually had an entrance.

Making sure the coast was clear, Kasdeya dashed into the open for a second before she was obscured by the leathery tent flap falling back into place.

Looking around this tent, she was happy to see that it was vacant aside from a pile of bone swords, which consisted of a slightly sculpted bone for a handle and a long and sharpened bone for a blade, reminiscent of a medieval short sword.

'This is a jackpot, I finally found something I can actually use as a weapon. My claws are definitely sharp and useful, but they are greatly lacking in reach and I can't enchant them with runes.' Kasdeya thought as she grabbed three of them and stuck them into her sack. Due to the material of her sack being the pelt of a bloodhound, the sword wouldn't easily pierce it, so she didn't worry about breaking her bag, which was another reason that she was glad she upgraded from her previous material which was a tattered shirt.

'Ok, this tent was quite useful but it wasn't the one I wanted, so now I need to keep looking around. I can engrave runes onto the swords later. As for now, I want to finish this quickly and get out.' Kasdeya thought as she peaked out of the tent flap to see the current location of the skeletons.