The Bone Camp Part 2

Peaking out of the bone tent, Kasdeya saw the back of a skeleton as it walked past her, completely oblivious of the thief that had just pilfered some of their swords.

Waiting till the skeleton passed her, she then pushed aside the tent flap and quickly moved for another piece of cover which so happened to be a rack holding bone spears.

Kasdeya entertained the thought of taking one of these as well but they were a bit too long for her to fit in her bag, so, lacking a means to carry them, she decided to leave them be.

There were another two tents to her left and right, both of which were close enough to the spear rack that she wouldn't expose herself for too long should she run for them, however, she decided to go for the one on her right as the left one had a skeleton walking towards it and there was another skeleton which should be coming past this rack soon so she couldn't dawdle.

Kasdeya quickly moved towards the next bone tent while keeping low to the ground and ducked into it, rapidly scanning her environment to make sure nothing unpleasant was residing in here, but much like the first tent, this one was also lacking any combatants.

This tent seemed to be the storage area for bone spears as there was a large pile of them in here, though she let them be as they were too big and wouldn't fit in her bag.

Turning around, Kasdeya was about to leave when she suddenly saw a skeletal hand reach around the edge of the leathery material and start moving it aside, so Kasdeya dashed into the corner of the tent to the right of the entrance, as there was nowhere else to hide.

'Well this sucks.' Kasdeya thought as she got an up close look at the back of one of the skeletons. 'As soon as this thing turns around it will see me, so I guess now is as good a time as any to see how strong these things are.'

Looking closely at the creature, Kasdeya discovered that it wasn't really a skeleton, it just looked like a skeleton, as all the bones were structured differently and sliding against each other and weren't just mysteriously floating together. It looked more like some sort of magic construct that was simply made out of bone, like a golem, just small.

[Shoddy Bone Golem]

'Well I guess that answers that question. This thing isn't some sort of living skeleton, but a golem. That would also probably be why it doesn't have a level, it is the same as a sword or bow, it can't level, it simply is as strong as it is when it is made.'

Watching the golem, it seemed to be planning on grabbing a weapon as it didn't currently have one, why it didn't just grab one from the rack, Kasdeya had no idea. But this was useful to her as she imagined they would be easier to fight without a weapon.

Slowly starting to creep forwards, Kasdeya waited for it to bend over slightly in order to pick up a spear before she dashed forwards and stabbed it with her claws on her right hand. Her claws pierced the back of the golem, but didn't seem to do any worthwhile damage as the golem simply froze for a second before making a strange grinding sound and spinning around while holding a spear it had grabbed with the spear tip directed at her.

Kasdeya avoided the attack and made some distance but the golem didn't plan on giving her time to think and immediately charged at her, trying to skewer her.

Kasdeya's back hit the wall and she quickly ducked to avoid the stab aimed at her head but still felt some of the impact as the spear hit one of her horns.

Gritting her teeth from the vibrations, Kasdeya wrapped her tail around the legs of the golem and pulled, causing the creation to fall backwards onto the ground.

Having learned her lesson about piercing attacks, Kasdeya instead grabbed a spear of her own and started bashing it into the body of the golem. With every collision there was the accompanying sound of splintering and cracking bone and eventually, the solid wall that was the golems rib cage caved in and the dull light glowing from its pupils dissipated.

Placing the tattered spear back onto the ground, Kasdeya walked over to the golem and looked into its ribcage, curious as to the insides of a golem.

Pulling out shards of tattered bone, she found a small cracked orb which had been pierced by one of the many bone shards, so she picked it up to inspect it.

[Shoddy Golem Core (broken)]

'So this is probably what powers the bone golem, makes sense I guess. I think I'm going to hang onto this as I'm curious if I could make my own golems in the future. After all, thi-'

Kasdeya's thoughts were interrupted by the creaking and shuffling sound of many bone golems walking, gradually growing in volume indicating that they were getting closer.

'Was I discovered? I mean, I have no idea how loud that confrontation was or if the golems share senses, though if they did, they would've come here earlier so I doubt that's it, and it didn't sound that loud and I was the one participating in it.'

Now the grating, shuffling sounds were very distinct and it sounded like they would arrive at the tent at any moment.

'Now would be a great time for a distraction.' Kasdeya thought while taking out two newly created 'bone grenades'.

She placed one at the entrance and charged both runes with mana using less for the compaction rune and then charged another, this time using a lot more charge in the compaction rune and lobbed it at the back of the tent. This method was a bit clunky and unpredictable as it lacked precision but it got the job done.