Spatial Flux

Kasdeya had originally planned to leave but the strange ripple-like phenomena occurred once again, a few minutes after the first, drawing her attention. She had no idea if this was normal or not, due to the fact that she had only gained something akin to spatial perception not that long ago, but, after observing no more pulses over the next few minutes, she quickly became bored and left the cave with the intention of hunting something to eat.

By now the raging snow storm was well and truly over and she could appreciate this frozen hellscape in all of its freezing glory, from the densely packed snow stretching across mountains as far as the eye could see to a shattered moon residing up above projecting a purple glow, this land screamed fantasy, giving a mystical and surreal feeling. Though this picturesque scenery wouldn't be complete without a screaming primate to ruin the experience and, sure enough, Kasdeya spotted one right as it spotted her.

Not wasting any time, the overgrown monkey galloped towards her on all fours, closing the gap rather quickly while Kasdeya simply angled her body with the intent on trying out her, currently limited but extremely exciting, new gadgets.

'Honestly, I don't think these apes are a decent test due to their obvious weakness to fire but there's nothing else here so I'll make do.'

Imbuing her body with mana had become second nature to Kasdeya and she now kept her body in a constant state of empowerment as the monkey took a wide swing at her body.

She ducked beneath the attack while moving out of its path, brandishing her claws and swinging at its side. Knowing immediately that she'd miss, due to its movement speed being unaffected by its clumsy swing, she instead charged the runes on the arm of her 'outfit' and shot a blast of fire out along with the failed swipe of her claws.

Annoyingly, the short ranged fire blast wasn't able to make contact either, so Kasdeya made a mental note to see if she could increase velocity and range. Focusing back on the Yeti, she watched it come charging towards her again, clearly not having any thoughts on its mind apart from flattening her with its superior bulk, the yeti once again got within striking distance, this time raising both fists in order to crush her.

Kasdeya made a large backwards hop and, with the yetis forward momentum being interrupted due to its attack, she had ample time to try the other capability of her glorious creation. Raising both arms in front of her, she poured ample amounts of mana into the two rune combinations, and watched with a grin as the twin streams of fire enveloped the yeti and illuminated the surroundings.

Now having been turned into a living torch, Kasdeya cut off the stream so as to save mana and observed the yeti as it flailed around, attempting to extinguish its easily combustible fur.

"I guess these yeti's just aren't built to resist high temperatures but that does make sense given their environment." Kasdeya murmured to herself when another ripple, seemingly stronger this time, travelled past her, almost causing her to miss the last desperate attack of the suffering yeti.

Narrowly dodging the bear hug which the yeti attempted in order to crush her, she took out a bone sword from her ever present pouch which was now held on her back, kept in place by her 'clothes', and threw it into the creatures head, resulting in the cease of movement.

Now wearing a slight frown at the stupid mistake, Kasdeya glanced around her surroundings, trying to see if another ripple was coming her way.

"These can't be natural... right? I'd imagine a natural process would be subtle, not blatantly obvious and irritating. Although, if it is natural, I'd like to find a way to prevent it from washing over me as it is a very distracting sensation." Kasdeya pondered while still observing the horizons.

Empowering her eyes, she glimpsed another encroaching distortion in the distance. Kasdeya started to cycle her mana, hoping to manipulate it in some way so as to shield herself from its effects and, when it reached her, she pushed her mana out from her body, directing it into the wave. Creasing her eyebrows, Kasdeya frowned at the result of her little experiment, as the wave did the complete opposite to what she wanted and wrapped around her for a second, even making her stumble along with it as it gained force under her mana before the applied mana ran out and it proceeded to travel.

"Well, I guess this means that I can at least manipulate it, even if I have very little control. Maybe if I increase the mana output then I will be able to manipulate it some more, after all, I am drawing the 'waves' towards myself so maybe I just need to put a bit more effort in."

By this point, Kasdeya had almost completely forgotten about the felled yeti, thinking she'd have plenty of time to eat it after she was done with her experiments, and, not having to wait long, another pulse came towards her.

The sporadic nature of the pulses, which seemed to be getting more frequent, all but confirmed their unnatural appearance, at least in Kasdeya's mind, and she once again started cycling her mana and pushed it out from her body as the ripple reached her.

Now with much more power applied, Kasdeya attempted to manipulate the pulse but it seemed to have an adverse reaction to her attempts at changing its predetermined course. She could feel the spatial fluctuation enveloping her, though she didn't pay any mind to her ever distorting environment, however, right when she felt that she had a grip on the distortion, her control failed her and the pulse moved on.

Shaking off her dizziness, Kasdeya took a quick glance at her still snow ridden surroundings and noted that she had travelled a fair distance. She could still see the corpse of the yeti which was highlighted due to its blood soaking the snow, but it was quite a distance ahead. She felt like she had almost achieved something before she lost grip on the pulse, so Kasdeya was determined to try one more time, despite her dwindling mana reserves.

Kasdeya watched another pulse travelling across the frozen landscape, she started cycling a significant amount of mana and right before it washed over her, she sent it barrelling into the ripple.

Immediately feeling the effect, she fought for control as she was swept up in its momentum, even going so far as to draw power from the crystal altilim so as to keep a grip on the pulse. Taking no mind to the distorting landscape around her, the glowing formation on her skin or the extreme drop of her mana levels, Kasdeya firmly latched onto the phenomena, feeling ever so close to whatever barrier was impeding her path forward.

Then, feeling as if a pane of glass just shattered, Kasdeya saw the world around her fragment as she was drawn into a black void condensed from the manipulated spatial fluctuation. Only having the time to think that maybe this was a horrible idea before the frozen landscape disappeared from her eyes.