Language 2.0 (it's still hard)

Having finished the rather interesting dish, which seemed to be raw meat of an unknown source dumped on a plate yet dumped in such a way to appear perfectly placed, Kasdeya walked towards the door and opened it slightly. She expected to see guards of some description but, as far as she could tell, there was no one.

"Interesting, when I greeted the delivery man earlier I don't believe there was anyone guarding either. Huh, for an organised group of cultists they don't seem overly intelligent."

Kasdeya prowled down the hallway, staying alert but trying to not appear suspicious. It did not occur to her that a moving wall of matted fur, exuding a vibe of bloody violence, wasn't exactly the most inconspicuous of appearances but, surprisingly, she got quite far before anyone even batted an eye.

The corridor she was in did not branch off much, the walls being lined with doors which most probably lead to more rooms, and didn't allow for any other pathways to join. Though Kasdeya didn't pay much attention to these numerous doors which she had already passed on the way here. Instead, she marvelled at the clean, white light which filled these long, metal passageways, the feat of managing to maintain technology after the system appeared impressing her.

Coming across the first branch in the path, Kasdeya halted her pace. Up until this point she had seen no other humans, or any creatures for that matter, although she figured that this might be some sort of demon accommodation so it kind of made sense for no one to be here.

'Even if this is a place for housing demons, I'd imagine that there'd still be security or something. I find it hard to believe that this group managed to secure and defend this facility without being at least a little vigilant.' Kasdeya glanced down the left passage which, much like the one she came from, held rows of doors and no creatures. 'Actually… maybe they have a way to view the passages without physically being here? That would explain the lack of watchful personnel.' Kasdeya glanced along the ceiling, trying to spot any potential surveillance utilities, such as cameras. 'I can't see anything though. I guess I don't know what I'm looking for anyway so for all I know it could be staring me in the face.'

Turning away from the left corridor, she turned to the one on the right and started walking down it. This was the path she had been led through to reach her room and was the only path which didn't seem to lead to more rooms, so it was the path she'd take.

'Ah, here's some people'

Kasdeya walked out into the large, open area she was in before, dotted with people walking about and rows of, what she assumed to be, cultists still summoning demons for whatever purpose.

This large room was easily the size of a football stadium, possibly even a little bigger and provided ample space for the occultic activities being performed within, which she watched curiously while standing perfectly still at the edge of the room.

A few people did glance at her but, either because they knew what was good for them or they were just used to shady individuals, they didn't let their gaze linger long and Kasdeya paid special attention towards not attracting any particular notice, making sure she suppressed the urge to rip apart these creatures which constantly stared at her when they moved past.

She didn't appreciate their presence one bit. Spending a length of time treating everything as a potential threat tends to make one paranoid, but her curiosity towards the occultic summonings persuaded her to not act.

Her patience was quickly rewarded as she soon noticed a pressure, which she had already confirmed to signify dense mana, gathering at one of the circles close to her and, not long later, the centre of the array started to bend in on itself before stretching outward, revealing a familiar black void which a large demon then stepped out of.

[Level: 21

Race: Greater Demon of Greed]

'Wait a minute…'

Kasdeya quickly backed up into the tunnel, hiding behind a corner so her form wasn't visible from the hall.

'Wasn't that perverted creep the boss of the greed dudes?! Surely I'm not going to have to tangle with him again now that I'm here. Also, isn't this the corridor leading to the demon living quarters?!'

Slightly panicked about being located again by the Lord of Greed, Kasdeya quickly peered around the corner, wanting to slink along the non-existent shadows to avoid the attention of the large demon. The effort proved to be wasted, however, as it was led in a different direction, towards another corridor branching off of this central location.

Now that she had the knowledge that such demons were being called, Kasdeya felt a lot more on edge than she already did and was no longer content to just sit and watch the summonings.

Observing the open space, there were a few different exits she could take, so, eliminating the one she came from and the one which she saw the greedy guy go through, she chose the next closest to her and headed over and inside.

She quickly headed back… It was a janitor's closet. The most scientific looking janitor's closet known to devil kind, sporting an automatic door, flawless white walls that would put all genocidal test AIs to shame and housing only the finest cleaning equipment, but a janitor's closet all the same.

Now moving onto the next closest passage, Kasdeya was delighted to see this one leading to another corridor. This new corridor seemed to be a main passage of the facility as it had signs at the intersection which appeared almost immediately, as well as people walking through who gave her a wide berth and a confused glance.

Moving to the first intersection, another problem presented itself. She can't read the signs.

'I really need to learn this damn language.'