
Laurence grinned as it inspected its new form, and the aid had to look away as a blush crept onto his face.

"Laurence?" The Director enquired again, prompting the individual to look up and, with a gentle smile adorning their new features, point at the aid.

"'You' wanted something? Then why'd Laurence attack me, instead of you?" The Director asked, seeming genuinely confused by this point.


"That seems extremely lazy to me, one might even say-"

"AN UNIDENTIFIED DEMON HAS APPEARED!!" The aid screamed, interrupting the Director and drawing the attention of the few individuals walking down the corridor.

"... Huh, that could be problematic. But didn't I supply the profiles of all the demon nobles? For it to be a threat it would have to be a noble, so what do you mean that it's 'unidentified'." The Director queried, and the aid sighed in relief at finally getting his attention.

"It appears to be some monkey-like creature, though it sports horns and a strange shape and, while it isn't particularly large, slightly under the height of an average human woman, the suppression due to the severe gap in ability is definitely strong enough to cause me alarm."

While the Aid was informing the Director on all the information he knew of the unknown demon, though he didn't know much, Laurence was also listening in, but as he, now a she for the foreseeable future, listened, a single image of a curious creature rose up in her mind.

"-left its room and the last report I got was that it was surveying the demon forces-"

The aid was still talking, when Laurence started muttering to herself, "Monkey… monkey monkey monkey… demon…" Laurence glanced curiously at the ceiling, staring intently at the intersection between the wall and the ceiling while tapping her chin with a finger.

"- right before I ordered a team to kindly request it to move to a meeting room which I intended to then direct you to. While I don't know what scheme-"

"Demon?...the Devil?"

As if suddenly reaching a revelation, Laurence's face brightened as she suddenly started skipping away from the two others with her, who were still in the midst of talking about the situation.


'I think I messed up.' This was the one thought that kept going through Kasdeya's mind as she beheld the scene of one of the important-looking security people slumped onto the ground before her.

"But… maybe I can fix it?" She asked hopefully to no one in particular. After all, while she wasn't a doctor in her previous life, at least she didn't think she was, she could've sworn it was briefly looked at in school.

Despite the severity of the situation, Kasdeya didn't feel that she could be blamed for this minor accident. After all, she was already on edge and these people were starting to get on her nerves. How was she supposed to know that humans were so easy to splatter?

'I only applied about an equivalent force to that which pushed away the big imp, so why did this person's chest implode? They're supposed to be super shady security of a super shady installation for crying out loud! And talking about security, I really think whoever manages this location should invest in better staff, or at the very least, people who don't faint immediately after seeing a bit of violence!'

Right as she 'pushed' the annoying idiot away from her, the other people who were escorting her looked as if they'd seen the dark lord himself rising before them, then immediately fainted.

"Even though I'm surely not to blame, this is still a major problem, after all, I was trying to avoid conflict until I knew where the heck I was, but I doubt anyone would take kindly to this since I definitely look conspicuous right now.

"But I'm sure I learned a lot at school! So I'm hopeful that this poor man will make a full recovery, just needs a bit of help stitching himself back together."

With that exclamation, Kasdeya leaned over the… injured… patient and got to work.

"So, if I remember right, this squishy bit of flesh… goes here? And… is this bone a rib… or an arm? Or... AAAHHH! I can't remember! Where did I even go to school anyway? Clearly, they didn't do a good enough job with my education since it didn't cover how to fix someone who has had their chest cavity caved in!"

Just shoving the bone into their body, Kasdeya quickly gave up on the futile effort and pulled herself up, dripping blood everywhere.


A decidedly high-pitched scream suddenly rang up from Kasdeya's right and she glanced over, seeing another cultist who had just turned the corner, clearly arriving just in time to see Kasdeya pull her arm out of the soldier's chest…

'Ok me, you're a master of small talk and deception!… Maybe… but no matter, I believe in myself!'

"...Hello… um… nice weather we're having, huh?"

She fainted.

'I'm so done dealing with humans.'

Right as she thought this, someone came skipping around the corner, a teenage girl, to be exact, wearing tarnished and torn clothing, which questionably performed its job, merrily making her way towards the carnage without a care in the world.

Despite the unsettling jubilance with which the newcomer beheld the graphic scene, Kasdeya's caution was quickly replaced by an odd feeling of familiarity, though she was certain she'd never seen a child in this place up to this point.

"Second… hello!"

The girl spoke in a disjointed, non-fluent manner, then immediately became fixated on the corpse in front of them, which somehow made the feeling of familiarity grow even more.

"Umm… Do I know you? You seem… familiar…"

The child spun back towards Kasdeya, and with her height only a centimetre or two below that of the white-skinned resident of the crime scene, she gazed at her with an innocent expression that somehow conveyed the feeling of 'praise me'.

[Level: ???

Race: Real Human]

"You're kidding me… Laurents?"

Beaming back at her, Laurence looked back towards the rapidly cooling corpse, and Kasdeya swore that a line of drool had started to come out of her mouth.

"Are you seriously thinking about eating tha-"

But before Kasdeya could finish her sentence, Laurence pounced towards the corpse, and it was gone. The only indication of what happened being a vague memory of an enormous fanged maw swallowing the body whole.

'What just happened?'

Staring at the wall where the body was, now nothing remained but a blood splatter and a few scratches in the wall.

"... Are you sure that you're human?"

"Hu...man? Yes! Real."

"Right… whatever you say…"

Kasdeya, unable to deal with her ever-escalating issue, decided to do what any sane individual does when they have a problem, turn away from it, and pretend it doesn't exist. However, the only issue with this action was that, as soon as Kasdeya started to walk away, the problem started bouncing after her with an innocent smile adorning its problematic face.