Chapter 71: K v A

Starting to pant as his system enhanced physique began to feel the burden of the constant, high-paced running, the aid noticed that his fervent dashing, in the direction he believed the monster to have gone, was leading him in the shortest path to the exit to this facility.

'But that can't be right… Maybe it's a coincidence?'

It was an inconceivable notion that the monkey knew the layout of their installation, but it was still a fact that they seemed to be heading along the shortest path out. Additionally, realising that this meant passing through the most populated section of the facility, the aid pushed himself to run even faster.

Detecting a familiar, slightly twisted mana signature ahead, the aid felt relief. With Laurence in the equation, they'll, at the very least, be able to restrict the monkey until the Director deigned to grace the battle with his presence. But the words he heard next made him even paler than before.

"-all I have to do is kill them all!"

Ignoring the tone of the strangely pleasant voice, the aid focused purely on what was said, 'Kill them all.' Immediately beginning to cycle his mana, he prepared for combat, when he saw Laurence looking at the monkey.

"Yes! Laurence, distract the foul creature!"

Unleashing his built-up energy, a wave of lightning launched out from the hand of the aid, searing the air with a hair raising current that moved too fast for anyone to conceivably dodge.

'Well, any normal people.'

Striking the monkey dead on, a strangely feminine grunt, which he assumed to be of pain, was heard as smoke rose from their furred body.

Focusing on nothing but the enemy in front of him, the aid was pleasantly surprised when he found that his attack seemed to work, but he refused to be conceited. This creature was far superior to him.

Having stopped running forwards after arriving at a range that was sufficient for a mage of his calibre, the aid had already prepared enough mana to fuel another attack, but before he could even release it, the monkey pushed a single leg off the ground, and was right in front of him.

Rapidly repurposing his accumulated mana, the aid shot to the side, leaving a flickering field of electricity in his wake, but feeling a sudden burning pain on his forearm he glanced down and saw a portion of torn flesh. The aid knew he would be injured, but to still get hit despite utilising his fastest evasive technique, was simply shocking.

'Times like this, I regret not levelling more.'

Looking back towards his foe, the aid only had a split second to curse his folly of taking his eyes off the monkey as coldly glinting claws could be seen peeking from the fur, extending towards his all too defenceless form, and he had nothing prepared to evade it.

Having closed his eyes, waiting for the pain and his subsequent demise, the aid braced himself, yet nothing happened. Cracking open his right eye, the monkey was no longer before him, but instead a few metres away, gazing at someone he couldn't see while emitting a feral growl which ignited a primal feeling within himself to turn and run.

"As much fun as that was to watch, I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't take out my assistant, questionably competent help is so hard to come by these days."


Kasdeya had not an inkling of an idea who this fancy newcomer was, but the inspection results from the system told her enough.

[Level: ???

Race: ???]

He was far beyond her reach.

Warily, she stepped back from the human who had initially attacked her, not noticing the growl rumbling in her throat as she tried to understand what method had halted her claws in mid-air. She could only assume it to be some magical effect produced by the fancy individual in a suit, but she felt no build-up of mana, no familiar pressure of facing a higher being.

"Deary me, so uncivilised, why, you could at least grace us with your beautiful face my dear."

A cold feeling pooled in Kasdeya's stomach, as an unpleasant 'holy' sensation washed over her body, which she immediately understood to be fear. Even if she didn't understand, her reconstructed, 'demonic', body knew that the individual in front of her was an even worse opponent for her than the Lord of Greed.

Taking a step back, she ignored the bewildered look the previously attacking human gave when the newcomer called her beautiful, and focused on the very real threat in front while discreetly finishing a carving in the floor. But seemingly seeing this as an opportunity to launch a surprise attack, the all too weak human lunged forward, the sudden circulation of their mana accompanied by a measly aura sputtering into existence.

It seemed they wished to launch lightning at her again, and even though it did nothing more than scorch her fur 'coat' and cause her minor discomfort and annoyance, she refused to be hit by such a thing and, as the foolish human took a step forwards, she discreetly tapped the lacerated floor with her tail and activated the rune carved there.

Kasdeya saw the man's eyes widen in shock as her runes effect activated, but she didn't wait for him to recompose himself; he had attacked her, twice, and was clearly someone to be eliminated.

Spinning around, Kasdeya utilised the accumulated momentum and launched the bottom of her foot into the abdomen of the foolish human, but right before it connected -

"Well then, I guess that's enough of that."

As suddenly as the first attack, and with just as little warning, Kasdeya found herself momentarily gripped by the same, foreign force, then launched back into the wall.