
{I had my first day at the new school, it's bad, but I don't think I stick out that much. No one seems to know me, so I'll just keep my head down and not draw attention.

The other students seem to be nice, but I doubt they truly are, probably thinking about how everyone is beneath them and working out the best way to bully others without getting caught.

I do hope nothing awful happens again.}

{I fell down the stairs today, the doctor says I'm alright, but he's obviously lying. He got what he deserved when the photo frame fell on his head.

She said I can visit Deyal tomorrow, after school. I'm very excited, but I wish I didn't have to go to school first. I asked Her if school was really that important, but She insisted it was vital for a developing mind to have a good education' whatever that means.}

{Deyal let me play a game on his computer today, it was weird, but that makes sense considering Deyal told me he made it himself. Apparently he's interested in learning more about computer coding, expanding his knowledge or something. I think his knowledge is already quite expanded, considering that he has extensive knowledge of engineering and mechanics, but, when I asked him, he told me you never know when you'll be 'ee-sakide'. I wanted to ask what that meant, but the smile and the strange glint in his eye discouraged me.

She came to collect me later. I didn't want to go, but She said it was getting late… and I have school again tomorrow.}

{I think one of the teachers doesn't like me. They have started to pointedly ask questions. Deliberately drawing attention to me all the while wearing a mask of kindness. Everyone seems to think they're so nice and amazing, but they're clearly out to get me. I told Her, but She says I'm just being paranoid, "he's trying to help you. It isn't good to be so negative about everything". Yeah right.

Deyal went somewhere. I wasn't even told he was leaving till after he had gone. Apparently, She hadn't been either, claiming it was a 'spur of the moment decision' and that 'he has always been a bit strange'. This is true, so I didn't say anything back.}

{Deyal got back home today, I still haven't been told where he went, even when I went over to visit again. He said sometimes the voices sound so sad, that you just need to listen. I'm not sure what that means, but Deyal has always been quirky, so I attest it to his character.

I didn't get to talk to him for long, I complained but was convinced when he said that the next time I come over he'll have more things to show me.}

{The evil teacher called on me to read out a passage in a book in front of the class today. I didn't know some of the words, then tripped on the way back to my desk. Everyone laughed, and even though the teacher scolded them, I bet this was his goal to begin with.

A pair of scissors slid off a table and stabbed someone's foot today as well. Apparently, it had been excessively sharpened, but they didn't say who did it, just gave a warning about dangerous activities resulting in suspensions and possible expulsion.}

{An entire day has passed with no incidents, I think this is good.}

{Nothing today either.}

{I told Her about nothing happening, and She said it was still a good thing…}

{Deyal seems to have disappeared, no one knows where he went. I insisted that we should look for him, but She said that the authorities are already handling it. I don't think She understands how useless authorities are. It's frustrating.

I got a really bad headache in the afternoon. She said I should just rest, not worry about my journal entry today, but She was the one who recommended it in the first place, so I'm not stopping now.}

{A giant black void just appeared in the sky, and people are screaming for some reason, I wonder why...}

Walking into his small apartment room, John's brow was furrowed. He truly had no idea about the deed he had been credited with. Try as he might, his memory returned a blank immediately after the point where the atrocity was bearing down on him. He thought he might've felt some foreign sensation, and maybe heard a voice. But this also could've been panic-induced deliria.

'I'm almost certain that I'm not a schizophrenic, and I've never had any such occurrences before, but then again, the system was not interfering with everyones' lives before.'

During the meeting a couple of days ago, John had never disclaimed the action of taking down the atrocity, though more because everyone seemed so sure it was him and left no room for rebuttal, rather than the fact that he believed it himself.

Walking into his small kitchen, John stopped and turned back towards the door, sighing. A few moments later, a rhythmic knock sounded, and the voice of Tycheros could be heard stating that the rest of his group was there.

Granting them entry, the four of them moved into the only room that allowed for the presence of four people, the dining room, and after shifting the foldable table to the side, they all collapsed in the few prepared chairs.


John could already guess what Michael wanted to ask, and he already had an answer.

"I didn't."

This response, replying to the enquiry before it was even said, gave him the reply of four equally confused faces.

"I don't know what happened," John sighed, exhaustion showing on his face, "but one minute my stupidity was about to get me eaten, and the next, I was lying on a relatively comfortable bed with a grumpy dude telling me I was now recognised as the strongest person in this base."

"But I saw it… there was no one else around you, and when you were about to be eaten it seemed like the cannon fired. I thought that that was your plan..." Michael trailed off. John had never seen him so uncertain before. It's not that he is a very proactive, or an assertive individual, but he would always perform his actions with some energy behind them. John could relate to his current mood.

The three of them continued to stare, their confusion and loss for words were quite understandable. After all, John just admitted that one, some unknown power had decided to step in and help them in their time of need, and two, that he really didn't have a plan before and was actually about to die.

With these heavy thoughts bringing the mood down, Tycheros was the first to speak.

"Well, there's no point thinking about that now. Why don't we all go buy a drink or two? Alcohol might be expensive now, but we also have a nice bit of money left over after repairing all our equipment and restocking our essentials."

The other two quickly voiced their agreement, John sighed again but thought that it might be nice to relax this evening.

"I'll go, though I have something I need to take care of first and, while I'm at it, I may as well invite Alfred as well. You just bought a new place, Joey, so why don't we meet up outside the usual market in twenty minutes, then afterwards go for a tour?"

"Sounds good to me."

After everyone else had mutually voiced their agreement, the three others left, and John locked the door again, turning away from the entrance. As he started walking the short distance to his bedroom, he stopped. The creepy doll from the pseudo hospital was propped up in the kitchen.

"Heh, so I guess one of those three put it there." He walked up to it and smiled. "It fits the current mood."

With a light chuckle, he turned and kept walking.