Did Something Happen?

Life had mostly returned to what was currently considered, 'normal', and a significant amount of the damaged structures had either been demolished and cleared out, or repaired. It was a marvellous feat, considering the lack of the machines which were once used to complete such tasks, but John had long since gotten used to the wonders that higher stats and a small application of magic from the mages association could achieve. By this point, the only thing left over from the frightful attack was the scars and, while the physical ones were healed quickly by the priests, the mental variety tended to be a bit more of a hassle. The news had somehow leaked that the atrocity originated from the mists, and the tension and fear of the base inhabitants was so thick it was almost tangible.

To make matters worse, the wall of mist had once again expanded, and there were alleged sightings of strange beings creeping around its edges, stretching out a hand or half a body before retreating back in, each one looking eerily similar in the way that they leaked a blackish-purple mist. John himself didn't think much of these rumours, since none would dare get close enough to see such things, but when rational thought was already lacking, even the most improbable ghost story would make someone jump.

Numerous combatants were now undertaking extended, and more frequent, trips into the uncharted wilderness in the hopes of gaining just a little bit more power and, while the result of this was an increase in capable personnel as well as more resources getting delivered back to the base, the cost was a higher total of people who didn't make it back, biting off more than they could chew and meeting their demise.

Arriving at his and his comrades' shared vehicle, John double-checked all their supplies and equipment. They had already restocked and repaired everything they had, so it was a simple matter of just making sure nothing had been missed.

"Ok everyone! Listen up! I will be the leader of this organised expedition and I want to clarify a few minor details before departure! This is an intelligence acquisition operation, not a search and rescue! If there is someone who can be easily aided without endangering oneself, then you are permitted to help them, but by no means do I want to see anyone taking on a pack of beasts for the sake of a few individuals!"

"Seems a little harsh…" Michael muttered quietly, though with the intention of his comrades to hear.

"They made their choice when they decided to abandon this stronghold, and their fate is in their own hands, not ours!"

With that instruction out of the way, the leader proceeded to cover a few formalities, before informing all participating parties that departure will be in half an hour.

John stared out the window in silence as the convoy moved through the untamed land at a steady pace. While the journey was slow, the lack of any creatures nearby was beneficial to their progress, but even that was worrying in its own way.

'I'd hoped that we'd see a large number of creatures on this expedition which we could use to gain levels, but even with a pessimistic outlook, this is ridiculous. There is truly nothing but empty grass fields and hills, as far as the eye can see.'

Glancing away from the window, John beheld his few close comrades, pondering the likely upcoming sights they are sure to witness upon discovering those who left, and what the expedition leader had to say about them.

'Though, the complete lack of hostiles is beneficial for anyone who might be living out here… Even if it is frustrating for us. This would allow possible people in need to be aided, since no harm could come of it.'

"What do you guys think?"

John glanced at Michael who had just spoken. None of them had spoken more than what was required since they first left, John found it understandable since so much had happened, so the sudden question was unexpected.

"Of what?" Joey was the first to reply, Tycheros was driving so he couldn't turn to look.

"What the expedition leader mentioned, that if anyone is in need then we should just abandon them?"

"That's not quite how he worded it, but It's understandable."

Michael gave a conflicted expression when Tycheros voiced his opinion. It was obvious that he didn't think it was right, and he probably hoped that we'd share his ideals.

"If they need it, shouldn't we help?"

Joey seemed to have agreed with Michael, though in response Tycheros just sighed, before justifying his opinion.

"With everything that's happening, deaths are far outnumbering births, and the base is already understaffed as it is. The base leader probably doesn't wish to sacrifice our already limited manpower for those who have already decided to abandon it."

Michael still looked unconvinced.

"Think of it this way, when we were in trouble, all of them packed up and ran, abandoning the base, our developing technologies, our labs, and us, all so they could save themselves. Now, since they have already left us once, do you really think we owe them anything different?"

Michael and Joey seemed to grasp what he meant, though they still looked perturbed at the notion of willingly leaving someone to die. John didn't speak up, as everything that needed to be said already had been.

'I agree with Tycheros, and therefore the leader. I have no intention of placing myself, or anyone in this vehicle, in danger for the sake of someone I don't know, especially if that someone has run away from us once already. I wouldn't even sell out Tycheros, as strange as the events which brought us together were, since he is quite reliable and has helped us out a lot.' John looked back out the window toward the other vehicles travelling around them, his expression hardening slightly. 'Yes, if there is an alternative for us, then leaving others to their fates is preferable to getting involved.' John sighed while resting back in his seat, 'unfortunately, thanks to current events we haven't been able to keep away from the rapidly deteriorating situations, and that has taken a toll…'

Glancing down to his left, John sighed once again, but when he moved his head back up and glimpsed the image currently reflected in the rearview mirror, he stopped. Garnering strange looks from the two individuals in the back, John peered around behind his seat, but seeing nothing, he attested what he thought he saw to a trick of the light and once more faced the front.