Chapter 30

Riri cleared her throat. "So... What do you want to eat? I could buy them for you." Riri said. 

"But there is food here." I pointed at the slice of cake. 

She looked at it. "Right, right..."

I stared at her face. I saw that her cheeks are bright red and she was wearing an awkward smile.

Norvyn spoke, "I will leave you kids here. I am going to update master about your check up young master." Before he left, he called Ari. "You're in charge for now while I'm gone. Don't let the young master eat to much or he will upset his stomach." Ari nodded. "Don't worry father." Wow guys. You two are talking as if I'm not here. 

Norvyn seemed satisfied with Ari's response as his face was more relax than then. He exited the room and left us four here inside. 

Let's try to break the ice. "Sooo how's school?"

Riri responded quickly. She dramatically sighed. "Ugh! It was so boring without you and Ms. H was doing a sudden recitation to know if we 'learned' something." She quoted the learned  in the air. 

"Did you at least answered correctly to the recitation?" I asked.

"Ha! No!" she laughed.

Uhh Riri, that's not funny. 

When she saw that she was the only one laughing, she stopped and cleared her throat.

"So um, I'm gonna go to the bathroom, hehe."

Riri awkwardly left and now there's only three of us.

". . ."

". . ."

". . ."

"Ummm, what is the flavor of the cake?" I asked since nobody wanted to talk. 

Ari answered my question. "It's dark chocolate, your favorite."

My eyes sparkled at the mention of my favorite type of chocolate. Dark chocolate ahhh! 

But wait, there is one problem, there's only one slice of cake. How will we cut and share it into four with it filling our stomach? I guess we can only do big bites.

 It's okay, at least I got to taste it. Don't worry Cooper, you can and will buy a whole piece of cake after you left this plain white room and you will eat it all. That's a promise.

I looked at the two boys. I know it will not be enough to fill our stomach but at least they got to taste it.

I took took the box where the cake was in and opened it. Woah, it really looks delicious. 

The cake have chocolate frosting with chocolate sprinkles on top. Personally, I really don't like sprinkles in cakes but I like it in ice cream but because it's chocolate flavor, I can deal with that. 

I got the fork beside it and took a chunk on the cake.

I looked at Ari and put the fork with cake in his direction, "Do you want some?"  He shooked his head.

"Are you sure? We can share."

"We bought it for you." He explained. Oh well.

I glanced at Cal, "What about you? Do you want some?" He nodded.

"Oh ok—wait wait wait, did you just said yes?Am I hallucinating? You said yes?" This is really a surprise. I thought that he'll refuse. 

"I didn't." He answered. Wut? 

"But you nodded?"

"I did."

"Hold on a second,  you are just teasing me!"

"I am not." I blinked. 

Urggghhhh! He's tripping! 

"Let's get this straight, you said yes but then when I asked you if you said yes you didn't. I saw you nod, isn't that saying that it's a yes?"


Okay now I think I saw some question marks floating around my head and it's making me dizzy. This is so confusing that all I can say is: "Huh?"

He smirked and shooked his head in ridicule. "Stupid."

QAQ... Did he just come here to tease me?

When Ari saw that I was about to explode (it's obvious because of the rapid reddening of my face), he stepped in to explain. "I think what he meant is he didn't said yes but he nodded. Simple."

Now that i think about it... Ari's right!

I heard Cal chuckled. I glared at him. "What are you laughing at?!"

"Because I just saw the stupidest face in my whole life."

Now that's just mean.

I need to make a comeback...uhhhh... Uhhhh... Uhhhhh!!!

"Well you... You're just jealous because I'm handsome than you. Hmph!" I turned away my face and ate my cake. I will not share my cake to that annoying guy!  He didn't even say thanks because I want to share my cake to him instead he straight up insult me! I will never offer him anything that I own! 

"Omg that is the pettiest and weakest comeback I've ever heard." I looked at the direction of that voice. Riri said it.

I pouted at her. "Why are you saying that? I thought we're friends?"

"Exactly were friends. Friends make fun of each other. Are you still not use to me teasing you? I always do that whenever I have the chance." 

"But you're different." I insisted.

"Ohhh,  how am i different?" Riri have this face when she's teasing me. Both of her brows are raise and she have a quirky smile on her lips.

Tsk. I don't like Riri right now. She's not helping at all!  

"Well?" Riri pressed. I looked at the Ari, silently seeking for help. He just stared at me, totally amused. Wow thanks for helping.

Cal was muffling his laughter. I don't get him today.  Is he possess? He's so giggly today  and I'm not used to it. 

"Sigh, what am I supposed to say? He's annoying and you're not. That's it. Now leave me and my cake alone!"

"Wow Cooper, you're so grumpy. Is it the day? You're so moody."

"What 'the day'?" I asked. 

"You know, if you are a girl this happens every month. Menstruation."

"Ohhh." I looked at Cal and pointed my finger at him. "I think Cal have menstruation today."

Cal stopped laughing and glared at me while Riri and Ari burst laughing.

I puffed my chest and looked arrogantly at Cal. Who's laughing now?