Chapter 39

After eating dinner, I went to my room to take my phone and the jar of gummy worms downstairs while waiting for papa. Oh I remember, I didn't get to tell Norvyn that I have these sweets. Now I only need to remember and tell him when I see him. 

I went to the living room and sat on the sofa to rest my tummy. Papa said it was bad to move too much after eating or your stomach will hurt. 

I am hugging my legs and my chin is resting on top of my knee. Now it's time for the waiting game. 

...What to do? I don't want to eat the gummy worms yet, because I'm reserving it for later. 

Did I brush my teeth? I should brush my teeth first. No one wants a stinky mouth.

I went to my room again to brush my teeth. After doing that, I stayed here to comb my hair and think of more things that I needed so that I won't get bored. 

I look at the clock that's on the study table, 8:16 p.m.. I just need to wait for forty-four minutes. 

Should I go to my gaming room? Nah. I finished all the games there and it will be more boring if I play it again.

With nothing on my mind, I went to the living room and unlocked my phone. Maybe I should just chat with someone. I can talk to Ari since he is here... But I don't want to bother him. I think that he's asleep. He sleeps earlier than me when there is no homework to do. 

I can chat with Riri! She's definitely awake right now! Especially when there's no school tomorrow.


Cooper: Hi Riri! 


Riri replied fast. 


Cooper: Hi Riri! 

Riri: Cooper? Ur still awake? What a surprise!

Cooper: Yeah, I'm waiting for papa to come home. He said that he will come early and I decided to wait for him. 

Riri: Ohhhh. Sooo why are u chatting with me? Bored? 

Cooper: Yeah, I don't have anything to do and I don't want to bother Ari just in case he's asleep.

Riri: Oh so it's ok to bother me but not Adrian? Favoritism! 


Favoritism? Where did she get that thought? I frowned at the screen and started typing.


Riri: Oh so it's ok to bother me but not Adrian? Favoritism! 

Cooper: Hey that's not true! 

               I just know that you're awake at

               this hour, that's why I messaged you. 

Riri: I'm just joking with you lol

Cooper: lol?

Riri: Don't you know what it means? 

Cooper: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯... But I know this. Cool right? 

Riri: Meh. 

Cooper: What meh?! It has a face!

Riri: So what? It's just that. 

Cooper: ...

              (╯°□°)╯︵(\ .o.)\

Riri: lol

Cooper: What does lol even mean? It looks like a stickman, but only his head and his arms are raised. 

Riri: No, it means 'laughing out loud'.

Cooper: Ohhhh I get it. 


I looked at the top right center of the screen, it's 8:54 p.m.. I didn't know that the time passed by so fast. Any minute now, papa will be home. 

I ate a gummy worm bit by bit. I just love the texture of it. It's gummy and sweet and I just love to chew on it even though sometimes, it makes my jaw hurt. 

I continued to chat with Riri. 

Hmm, I wonder if Cal is awake. Of course he's awake, he has a job. He needs to be awake to do the work. 

A thought came up. I need to ask Riri about this.


Cooper: Riri? 

Riri: Yes? 

Cooper: Do you have Cal's number?

Riri: Yea why? 

         Do you want to chat with your


Cooper: Yeah. Can you type his number? 

Riri: ...

        You didn't disagree calling Calvin your


Cooper: Why would I even disagree? It's a


Riri: U have a relationship with Calvin? Why

        didn't you say so?!

        You should have told me! 

Cooper: What are you talking about? We don't

               have a relationship except being


         Riri... Cease your current thoughts

         because I'm sure that it's not what

         you think. 

Riri: Then why didn't you disagree when I

    called Calvin your boyfriend?!

Cooper: Uhhh because he IS my boy friend. Put some space in the two words. I noticed that you always have a typographical error when you type those 2 words. 

Riri: Bruh

        That's not a typo you idiot! Omg.

    You really need to up your knowledge.

Cooper: That's what I'm doing, that's why I'm going to school duh.

Riri: ...I want to slap a bi*ch's mouth right now.

Cooper: Oi, no bad words.

Riri: Nah, u can't tell me what to do! I can fu*king do whatever the f*ck I want! 

Cooper: ....

               Such a potty mouth…

Riri: heh

Cooper: Back to my request, can you give me the phone number of Cal? And hey! How do you even have his phone number!

Riri: What can I say? I am friendly. 

Cooper: true true

Riri: Nah, just got it at his account. 

Cooper: Account?

Riri: Yeah u know, account on Freindz. Speaking of accounts, what's your username? I want to add you as a friend.

Cooper: I don't have an account.

Riri: Oh you're missing something cool! Come on, create an account. Tell me when you're finished. 


How come that from asking Cal's phone number that I went to creating a social media account?

Might as well do it. Riri will not take a no for an answer. 

I looked at the time, it's 9:15 p.m.. Papa is supposed to be here by now. Where is he? 

"There you are, young master." With how he addressed me, I knew that it was Norvyn.

I looked up, yup, it's Norvyn.

"I thought that you were in your room, that's why I went there. When I saw that you weren't, I started looking for you." Norvyn said. 

Why is he looking for me? 

Norvyn must have seen the confusion/ puzzlement on my face. He talked to me, "I'm afraid that Sir will not come home early as he planned. There's something that he needs to take care of before he can come home."


Welp, at least I got to stay awake for an hour, right? And I got to chat with Riri too…

"Don't worry young master, Sir cleared his schedule for tomorrow to take a day. You will see him when you wake up." Norvyn consoled.

I gave him a sad smile. "I'm gonna go to sleep."

Norvyn smiled slightly. "Goodnight young master."

"Goodnight Norvyn."

I went to my room, not in the mood to chat with Riri anymore.