The Tsun and the Suit

"Here's what you're gonna do."

"I didn't agree on anything"

Pietro ignored and continued. "You will go to another realm that looks similar to a high-fantasy world"

"What? That sounds like its from a widely reproduced fantasy novel plot."

"JUST SHUT UP AND LISTEN!" Pietro yelled, getting sick of his shit.

"As I was saying. You shall go there. In one decade after you arrive, he will arrive. You must become strong enough to face him by then"

"Wait, who?" he got confused.

"Wait who!" mocked Pietro. "Aren't you the curious one. I'll tell you more if you accept my request."

"What's in it for me?"

"To confirm you choice accept the piece of technology in front of you" Pietro ignored him.

A dilemma formed in his mind. Either accept the awesome stuff and go on an adventure to get stronger or just die. The first choice was accepted only because of the Gen-Y, because of the little boy deep inside of him (please don't misunderstand) who was longing for action . He reached his right arm out and touched the fingertip of the mannequin. It looked like the painting "Creation of Adam".

At the point of contact, the suit broke down into very small square like structures and started to spread through his arm like an ink stain on tissue paper.

First it was painful, then it was more painful, then it was even more painful! The nano-particles were entering his body by puncturing his skin. It felt more painful than a million splinters on your hand.

Finally when they reached his head, his eyes turned black.

A notification appeared.

[Registering DNA...]

[DNA registered]

[Integration at 20%]

[Abnormal Nerve impulses detected]

[Deactivating Sensory Area]

Instantly he couldn't feel anything no pain, no light, nothing. While he was floating in some time ago even though it was dark he could still see. But now it was unending darkness. He was now imprisoned inside his mind away, form his senses.

[Integration complete]

[Reboot in ..3]

[Reboot in ..2]

[Reboot in ..1]

[Rebooting ...]

[Reboot successful]

[Reactivating Sensory Area]

Suddenly he was pulled out of this prison, quite violently and into a new body.

The mannequin was gone and he looked at his hands. It was the same thing the mannequin had a few moments ago.He got very very excited, his face was still emotionless but with a pinch of happiness.

The Gen-Y when entirely integrated with user could be called back into the body when not required. It will store itself in the sub-dermal layer between the skin and blood vessels. It is not technically an armor and can be easily broken by a few bullets. It was meant to be worn under armor. But it could resist many cuts and bruises, and at the same time carry out healing and many other functions like scanning the terrain, identifying enemies, etc.

'Scan' he said in his mind.

[Scanning Environment...]

[Farthest point : Infinity]

[No lifeforms detected]

[Traces of unknown energy detected]

[Scan completed]

"Whoa!" he said out loud. He couldn't contain the excitement. All of these features were designed by him, now all of them worked like a charge. He felt like a kid who got his own Mecha.
