The Talk

" I just wanted to tell you that I am a very vengeful person and I tend to keep grudges . " Lucifer said with a devilish smirk on his face and then he left in his car .

I froze in my place on hearing his words and did not move even after he left . Only when someone told me to get out of the way did I regain my senses .

As I started walking towards the lift , I stopped my mind before it could cook up some theories on how Lucifer would kill me as I knew that thinking about this would make me unable to concentrate on my work .

I went back to my cabin after informing the chairman that I had sent CEO Gray off . He wanted me to take the rest of the day off as a reward for my hard work but I politely refused as I wanted something to distract myself and what could be a better distraction than dealing with patients . So I threw that thought out of my mind and engrossed myself in my work .


Lucifer's POV

After coming back to my office , I started doing my work and did not shift my focus until someone knocked on my door .

" Come in " , I said

My secretary , Adam , came in and greeted me , " Good evening sir , Mr. Gray called and said that he would like to have dinner with you . "

" When ? " I asked

Adam hesitated a bit before saying , " Tonight , sir "

My brows furrowed on hearing his words .

" But wasn't I supposed to have dinner with a client tonight ? "

" Y-Yes sir , but Mr. Gray did not budge and insisted that you have dinner with him tonight . After that he hung up before I could say anything else and did not pick up his phone when I tried to call him . "

I sighed and thought , ' What does that old man want from me this time ? To think that he even wants me to cancel my dinner ? '

" Ok then , I will go after an hour . You can go out now . "

Then Adam went out .

At around 8:15 pm , I got up and left the office for my father's house .


When I entered the house I noticed my father was sitting on the sofa with a solemn face . When he saw me , he stood and sat on the dining chair .

During dinner , I tried multiple times to know the reason for which he called me on such a short notice but he did not say even a single word . After dinner was finished , he gestured towards me and told me to come to his study .

Inside his study , we sat across each other and finally after a minute my father started speaking .

" Lucifer , do you remember Anthony ? " he asked

" You mean Mr. Anthony Hayes ? Yes I do . " I responded .

" Today his son called me . He has passed away from cardiac arrest . " he said with a solemn look on his face .

I was shocked to hear that but I kept quiet as I did not know how to console him . Mr. Anthony Hayes was about my father's age and was his close friend so I was sure that he was devastated due to this news .

After a minute he started speaking again , " His son told me that yesterday everything was fine . They had dinner together and then they went off to sleep in their respective bedrooms but in the morning when the maid came to call him for breakfast , he did not answer even after constant knocking on his door . So , she entered without permission and saw that he was lying on his bed . She went near him and noticed that his heart had stopped beating and he was not breathing . " he said .

After saying this he looked at me straight in the eye for the first time since we came inside the study . I thought that I would see sadness in his eyes but I saw that his eyes were shrouded in worry .

He spoke again , " I felt horrible after hearing that news but it just got me thinking , that his son is married and has someone to take care of him but you have no one in this world except me . If something happened to me then -- "

" Father !!! please don't say such things . " I said

" Let me finish , Lucifer . " he said in a serious tone .

" If something happened to me then who will take care of you ? What if you engage yourself in that stupid work of yours and forget about your health ? What if you get sick ? ..... It just worries me . You don't even have an heir . Forget about me , god forbid something happens to you then who will take care of your company ? Have you ever thought about that . "

I wanted to refute his words but I knew that he was right so I just kept my mouth shut .

" You are not even that young anymore . You are already 29 years old !!! When do you plan on getting married ? When you are 40 ?!! Either you get yourself a girlfriend or get ready for the consequences . " My father had started shouting at this point .

" Father , please calm down . At least give me some time to think about this matter . " I said as I was worried that his blood pressure would spike . I passed him a glass of water but he rejected it and continued speaking .

" I have already been nagging you about this for so long . I am going to give you 24 hrs only and if you still haven't thought of something or got yourself a girlfriend then I will take you to the civil affairs bureau and get you married to the first girl that I see . " he said with a threatening look on his face .

" Ok father , now please rest . I don't want this matter to affect your health . I promise I will give you an answer within 24 hrs . " I said

I left the mansion after telling the chef to prepare nutritious food for my father everyday . I also told the butler to make sure that my father does not miss even a single meal .


At 5:30 am in the morning , I got up from my bed and went inside the washroom to brush my teeth . When I saw my face in the mirror , I got scared for a second . I had pale skin and dark circles under my eyes due to the insomnia that I had experienced last night .

I spent the whole night thinking about a good answer and could not get even a wink of sleep . For the first time in my entire life , I had no clue on what I should say . I changed into my gym clothes and went outside the house for my usual morning run . I felt like it would help me refresh my mind and will probably give me some ideas . I only had 17 hrs left and something inside me told me that my father would really do as he said if I don't give him an answer .

Even after my run finished , I had no answer so I just left for my office and decided to think about it when I reach there .

At about 7:00 in the evening , when I was attending a meeting , a ridiculous idea suddenly came in my mind . I adjourned the meeting right then and there . I went inside my office and told my secretary to let no one disturb me for the time being .

I sat in my chair and thought , ' This idea is so ridiculous but at the same time it makes sense . I never liked anyone and I also don't believe in love , so what's the problem ? '

With that thought in mind , I left my office and went to my father's mansion without any delay as I only had 2 hrs left .
