A Case ?

Just when I finished everything , the door bell rang . I assumed that it must be the dog walker and opened the door without checking through the key hole . But it turned out to be someone else .

" Good evening , Ms. Alexandra . " said a man in a black suit .

" Good evening , how may I help you ? " I asked . I did not ask the man to come in as he was a complete stranger to me .

" I am CEO Lucifer's lawyer and I wanted to talk to you about something . Do you mind if we talk inside ? "

" No , of course not . " I quickly let him in , forgetting about the fact that he was a complete stranger as I was worried and scared about what he wanted to say .

" Please sit . Would like something ? tea , coffee ? " I asked as a form of courtesy .

" Just a glass of water would do . " he replied .

I went to the kitchen and brought a glass of water for him . While he drank the water , I proceeded to sit on the sofa across him .

" So , as I was saying , I am CEO Lucifer's lawyer and he has asked me to inform you that he is going to file a case against you . " he said as he turned serious .

" A c-case ? " I stuttered .

" Yes , he wants to sue you for defamation . "

" WHAT?! DEFAMATION !!!!!! " I shouted in shock .

" Yes " he said in a flat tone .

" B-but isn't he going too far ?? I mean how can he sue me just for saying a SINGLE word ???? " I asked after I calmed down a bit .

" Even a single word said by you which offended my client and according to him ' defamed ' him , can let him sue you for defamation . "

" But what proof do you have that I defamed him ? " I felt so proud at myself for thinking about this question .

" We can make you get a polygraph test ( a test which can tell whether a person is lying or saying the truth ) . It will clearly prove whether or not you are innocent . " he said while maintaining his expression less face .

" SH*T !!!!!! " I loudly shouted as I couldn't care less about my composure right now .

" I want to talk to him . " I said as an idea came to my mind .

" Him? You mean CEO Gray ? "

" Yup . I am sure you have his number so can you please call him now . " I said .

He just sat there looking at me without moving a muscle .

" Please ,please please . Listen up there would be no loss for you if you would let me talk to him once , so please call him , pretty please !!! " I stated with a puppy dog face .

He finally relented and called the Devil .

" What ? " came his voice from the phone .

He is such a rude man . No hi , no hello , just straight away to business .

" Good evening CEO Gray , I apologise for calling you but Ms. Alexandra insisted on talking to you once . " the lawyer respectfully spoke .

The Devil was silent for a while before he spoke again .

" Give her the phone . "

I quickly took the phone from the lawyer's hand and started talking .

" G-Good evening , CEO Lucifer . "

" You have 5 minutes to say whatever you want . Your time starts now . " he said .

" CEO Gray all I want to say is that I know that I was in the wrong that day . I should not have spoken such a word about you . I highly apologize for that . I know that I should be punished so I won't ask you to take back your case . "

" Oh , Then what do you want ? " he asked .

" Actually CEO Gray , I am getting married in a few days , so I don't want to get involved in any legal hassle right now as this could harm my marriage . All I ask of you is that can you please shift this case to after my marriage please . "

" And when are you getting married ? "

" In two weeks time . " I hurriedly answered .

" You are very daring . Do you know Dr. Alexandra that if it was someone else in your place they would have been thanking me for not making them vanish from this Earth while on the contrary you are making a request . "

I kept quiet .

" Fine , I agree but keep in mind that I would not forget about this matter . The only reason I am agreeing is because you did a good job during the tour that day . Consider this your good luck Doctor . "

After that he hung up the call before I could say anything else .

I returned the phone and then the lawyer left .

" Hah ! Thank goodness he agreed . " I said as I slumped on the sofa .

The reason I asked him to delay the case till my marriage is because , firstly , it would give me some time to think about a solution and secondly , I clearly remember that my mother told me that the person who I am marrying is very rich , so in the worst case scenario I would just ask him for help as I am sure that he would definitely have some connections and there is a chance that he may even be the business partner of the ' Devil ' .

Well let's just hope for the best .

The door bell rang and I opened the door but this time , after checking through the key hole , it was the dog walker .

" Here are your dogs , I apologise for the delay . Actually I encountered a really good friend of mine so I stopped to talk to him for a few minutes . " said the dog walker with an apologetic expression and handed the dogs over to me.

" It's alright , anyway thank you . Good night . "

" Good night "

I closed the door . Just as I had suspected , my dear darlings dashed towards their bowls and started eating . I observed them with a loving expression on my face .

They were just a few months old when they had been adopted , a few years ago . At that time I was in a very bad mental state . I had been working for a few months and my schedule was very hectic . Quite a few people , mostly girls , used to discriminate against me as I was a beautiful girl and I was also the youngest in our batch as I had been able to skip two grades due to my intelligence . Some people even tried to harrass me a few times but they never succeeded . I was never someone who would take bullying lying down and so I stood up for myself , which in turn made quite a few people my enemies . I was working 12 hour and sometimes 24 hour shifts . At one point in time when I felt like I was going to break down due to all the stress , my dad brought Ginger and Sky to me . He had adopted them under my name . I had always loved dogs but after the death of Blake , my first dog , it didn't occur to me that I should buy a new one , as I was very busy with my studies .

Ginger and Sky became the reason for me to continue doing my work and helped me ignore all the negativity around me . Whenever I see them or even think about them , my mood brightens .

Whenever people talk about someone's achievements lightly , as if they are nothing , it really infuriates me . People don't know what all that person has gone through to be where he is now . Especially during a time like now , when scoring jobs is very hard unless and until you are a prodigy . In fact even prodigies suffer their share of grievances . Just because a person looks fine on the outside and has a smile on his face , does not mean that everything is perfect in his life .

Just because a person seems happy , does not mean that he is not in pain from the inside . People just love to assume that everything is cupcakes and rainbows in someone's life because they ' think ' that they ' know ' that person . Just because someone does not look sad or unhappy and does not start crying to you about their difficulties , does not mean that they are alright .

From Albert Einstein to Stephen Hawking and even the sweeper in your school , everyone has gone through things in their lives which we would never know about .

Throughout my life their have been many people who have judged me , taunted me and looked at me with disdain in their eyes , just because they feel that I have lived my life like a princess . They think that whatever I have right now is all because of my parents and that everything has been handed down to me from the very start . They assume that the only reason I graduated at the top of my class was because I cheated and bribed the teachers to give me good marks . It never occurred to them , not even once that maybe the reason for my success was my hard work and diligence and not bribery and cheating .

" Bark , bark "

In the end , Ginger's constant barking brought me back to the present .

That night I took a sleeping pill and slept soundly .