The Wedding

' Shit , shit , shit , Oh my goodness what will happen today ? What if I get married to a pervert or maybe a spoiled rich brat ? ... No , no ,no , don't let your imagination run wild Alexandra , have some faith in your parents , they would never get you married to such a person . '

Before I could think of some even more absurd things , my mother woke me up from my daze .

" Alexandra , did you even hear what I just said ? Stop zoning out , will you ? " my mother chided .

" Sorry mom . " I said with a sheepish look on my face .

" Ok , now listen to me carefully . Both you and the groom will be wearing a mask as you are not supposed to know of each other's identity until you are already married . " she said while handing a mask to me .

" Woah ! I was not expecting masks , but anyway I have already waited so long to know who I am marrying , a few more minutes won't matter . " I replied , took the mask and wore it .

The mask covered the upper half of my face only . It was white in color with beautiful gold details . I took off the mask after a few minutes .

She was about to say something , when the bell rang .

" Oh , that must be the makeup and hair artist . I'll go and get the door . "

" Okay . "

I had already taken a nice long bath with some lavender scented oils and I had also thoroughly washed my hair . I tried to act as calm as I could on the surface , but I was freaking out on the inside . I was having second thoughts about the marriage but I knew that there was no backing out now . Soon my mother entered the room with the makeup artist .

" Hello , you must be the bride , I am Michelle . Today I will be your makeup and hair artist . " Michelle said .

" Hello Michelle , it's nice to meet you . I am Alexandra . I'll be looking forward to seeing how beautiful I look after you're done . " I said with a polite smile .

" You are very beautiful Alexandra , you don't know how much easier you make my task . " She said while looking at my facial features and evaluating them .

" Thank you . " I politely responded .

She put a face mask on my face and after ten minutes , she finally started with her work . She asked a few questions in between to keep me from getting bored .

" So , are you excited to meet your one and only ? " she asked .

" Yeah , but I am also quite nervous . "

' Hah ! excited my foot , here I am thinking about running away from the marriage . Though I am curious to meet ' my one and only ' ( please note the sarcasm ) but I am not exactly excited . ' I thought .

She asked me to close my eyes so that she could surprise me with my final look .

After she finished my makeup , I slowly opened my eyes and ...I was stunned . I knew ever since I was in school , that I had looks that were above average as I used to get many love letters and sometimes even confessions in front of the whole school . But the way I was looking right now ... shocked me to the core .

I was never into makeup and rarely applied it . Even when I did my makeup for some event or gathering , I never applied too much . But currently , I had a full face of makeup with the eyeshadow , blush , mascara , etc and I felt ..... gorgeous . Now I finally know , why most girls apply so much makeup , but anyway , I would still choose no makeup rather than a face full of makeup any day of the year .

" I can't believe it ..... I look beautiful . Thank you so much Michelle . " I said and looked at her with gratitude in my eyes .

" You look really pretty but trust me , I didn't do much . You were extremely pretty from the very beginning , all I did was to add some touch ups . " she said .

I once again looked at the mirror . I had rose gold eyeshadow and a perfect winged eyeliner , the makeup was just perfect , it was neither too much nor too less . Just like I would have it .

Next , she started combing my hair and took out all the things which she would need to style my hair . After about 45 minutes , my hair was done .

Michelle had tied my hair up in a beautiful way , my hair was in a kind of a loose bun with a few strands let loose . She had also sewn pearls in a few strands of my hair .

When she was finished and it was time for her to go , I hugged her and thanked her for her hard work .

Then , I wore my dress , my veil and tiara . I also held the mask in my hand . Now , I was completely ready .

My parents came into my room and both of them looked surprised to see me , all ready to get married . There were tears in their eyes that were threatening to fall but they tried their best not to cry . After a few more moments , I ran towards them and hugged them tightly . I had worn waterproof makeup but still I did not want to take a chance , and so I tried my hardest to suppress my tears .

" You are looking beautiful , my dear . " My mother said with a loving smile on her face .

" Well she is my daughter after all , how can she not look glamorous . " my father said with a proud expression on his face .

All three of us laughed at his comment .

" But jokes apart , Alexa you are looking gorgeous . " he then became silent for a moment before continuing with a serious expression , " Remember Alexandra , you are mom and dad's princess and you will forever be no matter what happens . We will stay with you during your highest and lowest points in life , even when you are wrong . Never forget that you always have a home to return to and your mom and dad to talk about your problems in life ."

" Thank you so much dad and mom . "

" Oh and please don't become like those stupid female leads from your mother's dramas , that just believe that their husband is the whole world , we will accept you even if you get a divorce . Always remember that you should fight against injustice and never let the bad people win but on the other hand you should also know when to back down . These bad guys can be anyone from your in-laws to your husband to your friends amd even your own family . Now , promise me that you will remeber all these things that I have told you . " my dad said . My mother glared at my father for saying things like ' divorce ' on my wedding day , but he ignored it and so did I .

" I promise dad . "

" Okay , now that your dad's lecture has finished , let's go otherwise we will be late . We can do the rest of the talking in the car . " my mother said .

We walked towards the car , entered it and then left for the venue .


Lucifer's POV

I woke up early in the morning , did my usual routine and then sat for breakfast . Just when my breakfast finished , the door bell rang and my friends came in through the door .

After chit chatting for a few minutes , we started getting ready for the wedding . Oh and did I mention that they were going to be my best men today ? If not then I am telling you now that I have chosen my two close friends as my best men .

We got ready while talking and they also teased me as if they didn't already know that I am not even aware of the identity of the bride but I didn't react much as I knew that they had no idea how I am going to take my revenge against them .

" I really can't wait to meet sister in-law . " one of them stated in an excited tone .

" Me too . I am also very curious to know that why she even accepted Lucifer's condition . If I was in her place , I would have never accepted such a weird condition . But anyway , I have high expectations from her . " the other commented .

Listening to both of their comments , made me want to laugh as I got even more excited about my plan .

' Ah , just both of you wait and watch . ' I thought .

I took my mask , which was black in color with some gold details , and then we started towards the venue as I did not want to be late on my own wedding .

As I had not been informed of the location of the wedding , one of my friends was driving . Everyone except me and the bride knew where the wedding was taking place .

When we finally reached , I wore the mask that was in my hand and then went out of the car . I was pleasantly surprised by the decorations and the place chosen . When I had been asked for the colors which I would like to incorporate in the wedding decorations , I had said silver and champagne , and I was clearly able to see those colors . In fact , I could somewhat guess that the bride must have also chosen the same colors as me with the exception of white because silver , champagne and white were the only colors visible to my eyes .

I looked around to see if I could find my father , who had come earlier than me just to check if there were any mishaps , I found him talking to someone and approached him when that person left .

" Hey dad " I called out to him .

" Lucifer , thank God you are finally here . I was starting to wonder if you ran off from your wedding . "

Ignoring the last part of his sentence , I said , " There was a bit of traffic , so we got a bit late . Anyway , you did a good job with the decorations dad . "

" I just hope that my daughter-in-law likes it too . "

I raised my eyebrow at this and said , " I haven't even been married yet and you are already neglecting me ? "

Totally ignoring what I said , he said , " Many of the guests have already arrived and the bride would be arriving soon too , so let's get to our positions shall we . "

" Hmm "


Alexandra's POV

We soon arrived at the venue and I was mind blown when I entered . The whole place was decorated in silver , white and champagne . I could also see many bouquets of carnations here and there . Over all , the place looked fantastic .

" Do you like it ? " my mom asked excitedly .

" It's amazing mom , everything looks so beautiful . You really outdid yourself this time . " I said , impressed .

" Its all your happiness that matters to me . "

We got out of the car and we were taken to a room inside the hall where my mother helped me straighten up my gown . She also made me wear the veil which I had taken off earlier and within a few minutes , I was ready to go down the aisle .

We stood right outside the door and the priest asked everyone to stand up . Some bridal music started playing and the flowers girl who was my 5 year old niece entered and started spreading the rose petals from her basket . I entered after her while holding the arm of my father . As my father escorted me down the aisle , it felt as if time had slowed down . I could see all the guests that had stood up , some who I knew and some who I didn't , their were smile's on all of their faces . I could also see my mother who was smiling while a few years rolled out of her eyes every now and then .

And then finally , I saw him . He was standing at the end of the aisle with a mask on his face . I could clearly see that he had a muscular but slightly lean physique and he also looked quite taller than me . I still had many doubts in my mind . My eyes travelled from his shoes to his shoulders and finally rested on his eyes . I felt as if he was hypnotising me with his icy blue eyes , the time which felt like it had slowed down earlier now felt as if it was twice its original speed . In no time I was just a few steps away from him .

My father squeezed my hand and mouthed a ' Love you ' before giving my hand to the groom and going back to stand next to my mother . The groom now stood in front of me and he was holding both my hands in his . Soon the priest started the ceremony and it felt like an eternity had passed before he finally started with the vows .

We are not supposed to know of each other's identity till we say I do , so during the wedding vows when the priest has to take each of our names , then he has been asked to take the names in such a low voice that both the bride and groom would not be able to hear their soon to be spouse's name .

I am so sure that this would leave the guests confused as except my parents , the groom's father and his best friends , no one else knows about the fact that the identities have been kept a secret .

" Do you , Lucifer Gray ( in a low voice ) , take Alexandra Williams ( in a low voice ) as your lawfully wedded wife , to have and to hold , from this day onwards , for better or for worse , for richer or for poorer , in sickness and in health , to love and cherish until death do you part ? " the priest asked .

" I do . " he replied . For a moment I felt like I had heard that voice before but then I just shrugged that thought .

" Do you , Alexandra Williams ( in a low voice ) , take Lucifer Gray ( in a low voice ) as your lawfully wedded husband , to have and to hold , from this day onwards , for better or for worse , for richer or for poorer , in sickness and in health , to love and cherish until death do you part ? " the priest asked .

" I do " I said .

" You may kiss the bride . " the priest said and both of us took of our masks at the very same time .

When I finally saw who the person I married was , my eyes widened and I found it hard to breathe .

The person in front of me was none other than THE LUCIFER GRAY !!!!!

The shock on his face was as evident as mine but both of us quickly contained it as it would seem quite weird if two people who just got married were looking at each other as if they were an extinct animal species .

His lips soon turned into a devilish smirk as he leaned down towards my face and my heartbeat fastened .

He placed his lips on mine and bit my lower lip for a few seconds before he went near my ear and whispered in a voice which was audible only to the two of us , " Welcome to hell , Sweetheart . "


A huge thank you to nailtale , langimon16 and rozu for voting for my book with power stones and also to Shiny_Star5683 and mango_blossom for commenting .

A huge thank you to all my dear readers ... Stay home stay safe .