
We were towards the end of the house tour. Only one last room was left to be seen.

I'll have to say that whoever designed this house had some awesome vision and I wouldn't be lying if I say that this house is the definition of my dream house except a lot more luxurious.

The colors used for the walls and most of the furniture were black, white, gray, dark blue and silver which are coincidentally the colors which I would have wanted my house to be. The house has been designed in a very modern way. It has a gym, a home theatre, a study, a dining room, a kitchen, a living room, a basement, one master bedroom and five guestrooms - four on the ground floor and one on the first floor. There was even a beautiful library. The master bedroom is humongous while all the other guestrooms are a bit smaller as compared to it. All the guestrooms on the ground floor are almost equal in size and have a bathroom attached to it. We were now headed towards the guestroom that was beside the master bedroom.

" This is the last room. It is the second largest bedroom in the house and is right beside the master bedroom. I thought that you might want a room of your own so I chose this one but if you want to choose another room then you are free to do so. You can also tell me if you want to change the color of the walls or some furnit--" Lucifer was speaking but suddenly stopped and chuckled. Hearing him chuckle, I broke out of my earlier astonished state.

" Woah! I feel like if I were to look at your eyes a little more closely I would be able to see the whole galaxy in them. Looking at the stars in your eyes, I can already tell that there would be no changes necessary but if there is anything that you need, then tell me. Anyway it is already 10:00 so let's go. " he said and turned around as he headed downstairs.

I followed after him and exited the house. Right before the door there stood a black L*mborghini Av*ntador. I was in awe on seeing the car but quickly regained my composure. Lucifer took the keys from the servant standing near the door and went towards the car. He opened and closed my door for me and then sat down on the driver's seat. We had already informed my parents and his father that we would be visiting them. We had planned to visit my parents for lunch and Lucifer's father for dinner.

" Oh ! I just remembered, don't we need to buy something for them as we are visiting them for the first time after getting married? " I asked.

" Dr. Alexandra, Did anyone ever tell how slow witted you are? " he turned his face towards me and said with a blank face.

" Hey! I am not slow witted okay? It's just that... I forgot about it. " I ended my sentence in a muffled voice.

He sighed before saying, " I already got my assistant to bring some things yesterday. They are kept on the backseat. "

I turned my head to look at the backseat and saw that there were numerous gifts kept there.

After that he did not say anything and I got lost in my own thoughts while looking at the scenery.

I was pretty nervous about meeting his father and also about how weird it would be when he would meet my parents. I'd be lying if I say that I am comfortable with him but it's a relief that he respects me as his wife and has not done anything till now which would make me feel upset.

Both of us do joke around sometimes but I am aware that the motive behind that is just to make both of us feel more at ease around each other and so that we don't feel awkward. I feel absolutely nothing about him. When I look at him I feel neither love nor hate. It's almost as if my mind is in some sort of confusion, my brain as no idea on how to regard Lucifer. Should I think of him as a friend or an acquaintance? Maybe I should think of him as just a stranger who I have married? But what gives me relief is the fact that I am pretty sure that these feelings are mutual. I think that Lucifer is in as much confusion as I am.

But this is not the main problem. The problem is the fact that there is a chance that we might get divorced. I would be completely fine if something like that were to happen but what I am worried about is my mom and dad's reaction. They did tell me that if I am not happy or if I have any other problem,then they would help me get a divorce which I am sure they would. They are very modern in their thinking but I know that no matter what they say, they still feel that divorce is a huge thing and I am not saying that it isn't but with our circumstances and the way in which we got married, it would not be very strange if we decided to separate. In fact we could even get divorced today or tomorrow for all I know. But what if my parents blame themselves for my divorce? As in the end it was them who brought this weird marriage proposal to me.

' Ugh! Why in the world did I get married in the first place! All this is just too much for me to handle. I'd rather go to the hospital and perform a few surgeries... ' I thought.

While I was lost in my train of thoughts, I had subconsciously turned my head away from the window, and had started staring at Lucifer with a frown on my face.

" It hasn't been 24 hours since we got married and you are already thinking about a divorce? " Lucifer said.

My eyes widened and I said, " How in the world did you know that? I KNEW IT!!! You can read minds, can't you? "

" Like I said before, it is pretty easy to guess what you're thinking. " He said calmly.

" No it's not. No one, and I mean absolutely no one, not even my own parents are that good at guessing what I am thinking. Much less you, someone who I have known for such a small time. "

" Well..... then maybe I really can read minds and I was hiding this secret for a very long time but then you came and unveiled the truth. "

" Ugh! It's not even been 24 hours and I already feel like I am going crazy because of you. This is not a movie you know. " I said as I massaged my temples.

" That's exactly what I am trying to tell you, this is reality not some movie or novel which means that I cannot read minds and that we will not divorce today or tomorrow or after a year. A divorce is way too much of a hassle and I have absolutely no time for that. Also I would not divorce you just because of a petty reason you know. "

" Hmm.... You're right. "

" I know. "

This is exactly what I was talking about earlier. We are both acting nicely around each other and are joking every now and then as we know that the probability that we would have to spend the rest of our lives with each other is very high. I mean, we can't keep each other at arms length forever, can we?

Soon we reached my parents's house. I was still worried about what was going to happen.

' Let's just hope for the best. ' I thought.