Y-you pervert!

The next morning....


"I don't have a habit of killing people early in the morning but... I don't mind fulfilling your wish if that is what you want "Lucifer said with a death stare.

"Excuse me!! Stop acting as if I am the one at fault here."

A few minutes ago....

I woke up in the tranquility of dawn with the sun starting to peek from between the gaps in the curtains.

"*yawn* That was some good sleep." I murmured to myself. I was about to get up when I felt some weight on my waist which I had not noticed before. I turned my head to see Lucifer's peaceful face as he slept while embracing me. Our legs were tangled together and his arms were wound around my waist. His warm breaths fell on my face and his pleasant but indescribable scent wafted through my nose as I inhaled. At such close proximity I could even hear his slow rhythmic heartbeat.

I froze. It took some time for my brain to register what position I was currently in. On realization, I shouted on the top of my lungs in utter horror and shock.

I quickly untangled my legs and instinctively kicked Lucifer as hard as I could at that moment.

Present scenario

"Are you in your right mind? Hitting people first thing in the morning." Lucifer said in his low, slightly hoarse morning voice.

"You deserve it y-you pervert!!!"

"....I dare you to call me that again." his voice laced with a threatening tone.

"Pervert, pervert, pervert!!"

"You really don't value your life anymore, do you?" He said with anger evident in his voice.

"Stop making it seem like I am in the wrong, okay?"

"Oh, so you mean that I am in the wrong?"

"Of course you are!!!"

"So you mean that I am the one who tried to climb all over you while you were asleep and whose legs just wouldn't stop moving for even a single second?" His eyes narrowed as he spoke.

"Ye- ...wait what did you say?" I asked baffled.

"For the entire night you did not stay put even for a single second. If I didn't know any better, I would've thought that you were trying to kill me. Or maybe….. you were trying to kill me after all."

"Y- yo-you're lying!! How is that possible?"

"…" Lucifer remained silent while his eyes narrowed even more.

"Hey! Stop looking at me like that, okay? ...… It's impossible for me to do something like that!"


"...I only did that when I was younger! I am pretty sure that I don't move my legs in my sleep, especially now that I am older."


"Umm…. You know what, I should go and take a bath now otherwise I might get late." I said and tried to escape.

"Not so fast sweetheart." Lucifer said with a devilish smile on his face as he caught my wrist and swung me around. In the blink of an eye, my back was against the closet door with Lucifer in front of me .There was only little space between me and him.

"Don't you think that you have something to say?"

"I-I..umm.. sorry!" I stammered. I felt guilty of my previous words and actions while at the same time I was also extremely embarrassed.

"That's all?...hmm.. I'm not quite satisfied with that apology." With each word, he took a step towards me, completely closing the distance between us.

"It's not entirely my fault! .....after all you were the one who suggested that we should sleep on the same bed, when it was totally unnecessary to do that."

He turned serious at my words and spoke, "Okay….listen. I know that the way in which this marriage was fixed was definitely not ideal but that does not make this marriage any less legitimate than a normal marriage. We both consented to it and can't back out now. I'd like you to treat this marriage as normally as possible. I am not someone who likes to repeat his words, so I hope that this is clear."

I nodded my head in affirmation though with slight reluctance.

"Now, coming back to the topic at hand." The smirk making its way back onto his face as he slowly kept both of his hands on the closet door, on either sides of my face, trapping me completely. His face moved closer to my ear as he whispered, "How do you plan on compensating me after those accusations that you threw at me earlier?"

"I-I" I could not think of any appropriate response to his question and him being so damn near my ear did not help in the slightest.

"You what?"

"Uh- how about we talk about this after we both return, because if we delay any longer then we might get late." I tried once again to escape from his clutches but to no avail.

"Well, if you quickly think about a way to compensate me, then we won't. So make haste will you? After all I'd hate getting late."

I turned silent at his words and tried to rack my brain for a solution but alas I had no clue what to do for my impulsive action. I thought of trying to apologize to him once again as it seemed like a better idea than to remain silent under the eyes of the devil in front of me.

But before I could begin, I heard Lucifer speak from right beside my ear.

"Looks like you can't figure out a way." The smirk on his face was still there for a moment more before it vanished and Lucifer's eyes sharpened. I could feel the dangerous air around him and it felt like everything around me had frozen. "I'll forgive you this time but mark my words, if anything like this were to ever happen in the future then I promise you that I will make you regret it."

His right hand moved from the wall and gripped my waist as he continued his words that were dripping in threats, "I do have a huge urge to abide by your words and act like a pervert so that at the very least I wouldn't have to suffer from fake accusations but I know that a meek, fragile kitten like you won't be able to take it and might break which is something that I'd like to refrain from doing… at least for the time being." His hand now caressing my back, as if to give me a slight preview of what he meant, which sent a very noticeable shiver down my spine. "But if you'd like to try and continue pushing me to my limits then don't blame me for my actions."

With that he left my waist and walked towards the bathroom while I stood there frozen for a minute longer before coming back to my senses and taking my clothes with me to the other room to freshen up.


By the time I came downstairs, Lucifer was already at the dining table, waiting for me. Once I sat down, we started to eat in complete silence.

Just as we finished and got up, one of the servants handed Lucifer an Ipad after which he glanced at me and made a gesture asking me to follow him. I followed him to the living room where we both sat down adjacent to each other.

Handing it to me he said, "Place your hand on the screen."

I moved my eyes away from Lucifer to the Ipad which had an outline of a hand currently being displayed. I did as I was told and then gave it back to him.

"Now look at the camera." he said as he held the Ipad up at my eye level for a few seconds before hearing a computerized voice saying, "Scan complete"

He put the device aside and looked straight at me, "I have input your hand and retina scan into the machine which you must have noticed at the gate, so now you'll be able to enter and exit as you please." He paused for a bit before continuing, "I operated it right in front of you yesterday so I assume you already know what to do, but if you still face any problems then you can ask either me or the butler for help."

"Okay" I replied.

With that he stood up and made his way towards the door. Just as he was about to exit through the door, he threw something at me which I caught perfectly. They were car keys.

"Hey, I don't need your car, I already have one." I spoke on realization of the meaning behind his actions.

"Then just use this one instead." he said in a nonchalant tone.

I was about to reason with him for a bit more but remembering the happenings of this morning, I decided not to. After all I knew that Lucifer Gray wasn't someone who easily took no for an answer and after today, angering him was the last thing that I desired to do.

Seeing him leave, I turned to go back upstairs and grab my things before leaving but suddenly I saw, from the side of my eye, Lucifer stopping in his tracks. I turned back around out of curiosity, wondering if he had forgotten something.

He shifted slightly in his position, enough to be able to see me and then put forth his hand, curling his index finger, gesturing me to come where he was. I complied and soon I was standing in front of him. I looked at him in confusion, waiting for him to say something but he didn't bother with it. Instead he took my hand and my eyes widened before coming back to normal, as I was caught a bit off guard by his sudden action. He took off the wedding ring from my ring finger and put it on my middle finger instead. My eyes went to his hand and I noticed that he had done the same with his own ring.

"Don't tell anyone, not even your closest friends, about our marriage. I wouldn't want the news to spread to everyone before we have officially announced it." he spoke while looking directly into my eyes as if to see whether or not I understood the seriousness of his words.

"You don't need to worry, I won't tell anyone." I responded.

"Good" he spoke and was about to walk off before he looked at me again and said, "I just picked the car based on the appropriation of the place that you'll be driving it to, but if you aren't pleased with it then tell me once I come back, and I'll let you choose the car of your choice from my garage."

"I am sure that whatever you've chosen would be fine."

"My offer still stands."He said in response before finally walking off.

After he left, I also grabbed my things and left for the new car that awaited me.
