Get Ready for the Battle

It's a morning lovely weather that day,

and it's an off duty for Riki to live his life a normal life then he decide to do some sport a little bit

He decided to go somewhere place that have a refreshing breathable air

there's a park near his rented house, which have a bit of a plantings, gardens, and a place to sit on

it around as big as a football field but no bigger than that, with the river like surroundings makes it very comfortable to do some jogs since it also has a not so big running track

as he arrived in that certain place of park, he think of some warming exercise consist of stretching and some sort of it, before he start he's so called "Sport"



exactly this kind of sport he's been thinking about


now he's ready for some e-sport activities that he really love so much,

as he sat and relax, all the preparations and rituals been done before that,

a lot of people who actually exercise, staring at him at some point, with his training pants, and stupid outwear

"Ehmm.. Power bank.. check"

"Battery full... check"

"Snacks and Juices... Check"

"Headphone... Check"

"Cigarretes... Eh??"

"Wheres my cigarretes??"

"Oh.. i forgot i promise to stop smoking, so i didnt buy any"

"okay then.."

"now.. the rituals"

"Internet.. On"

"Free some RAM space.. Check"

"Allright .. Here we go"

As he mumbling to himself, the very unexpected annoying moment happens

Ringing can be heard 5 meters from where he's sitting, A CALL from his mommy..

"Ahh.. come onnnnn" as he complaint

Call Accepted

"Yes, Mommy.. What's up?"

"Oh my dear, have you eaten?"

"Yeeess moom.."

Conversations between he and his mom continues as people around him stares

"Honey, i have some recommendations for you in regards of girl you want to marry..."

Riki's mom try to convince him

"Mom Pleaaasse I'm begging you, i don't wanna get married yet.. as i told you many times"



"Really?? then you should check the photo i sent you"

As Riki's mom try to convinced him badly

"Okay.. Okaaaayy... maaann.. Alright mom I'll Check on it laterr"

"Okay.. as you wish honey, dont forget to eat, exercise and stop smoking.. alright"

"Yeeeeeeessss Mommaaaaaaaaaaaaa Bye"

Call Closed

"Phew.. Finally"

"Here comes"

Call From Eddi



Call Accepted

"Yes Eddy What is it??"

"If they want me to work today, Tell them im DEAD"

Answer Riki angrily

" Riki, i just wanna ask where did you put this window cleaning equipment.."

"I need to borrow yours, cause someone pinch mine"

Eddi Protest

"Sorry 'bout that Ed.. it's on top of the shelf inside pantry"

Call Ended

Oh yeah, i almost forgot that Riki is a Room Attendant in a hotel..

he's been working in this hospitality industries for many years,

so that many of his ex co worker are now supervisors or managers

but he decide not to take the opportunities he went throughout his carrier..

as it too much for him to work 12 hours as becoming a floor supervisor or any on that level of carrier made him unable to pursue his dream to become a god in a virtual reality


what a dream...

Let's continue with the story

as he now are free from any calls since set any calls to forward

he then have the chance to enter the realm of unreal and uncertainty

he continue with hard earned level 10

as he proceed with quests and finishes it, this mail popped out on his mobile screen

"Dear Son of Flame"

"War are now has been declared amongst existing Factions"

"You are now will be teleporting to Land of Chaos and Murder"

"The Forsaken Land of Gaia"

Oh.. Since most of the player are a new player, he felt confident enough to join the skirmish between these Factions

as he enter The Forsaken land of Gaia

he witness a different chaos atmospheric fields of battle

he now parttakes in that savage battle, as he watch all of the battle ships fills the sky with it's glory

the objectives is to battle a deathmatch which consist of 3 parts,

first is the elimination section of which every adventurers will be given 3 chances to die, when they died on a third tries they will be sent back to their homeland right after the final chances has expired

second is to snatch away the key of the located on a highly guarded place, this part has no limitation in dying

the first to reach the center will win the key to the unlimited source of Unearthed catalyst of Thrizza

Lastly is an intense boss battle against Gezzhauss the Starfire

as he stood amongs the other new player including a very rich player nicked "WillSmithGuy" the owner of the Calamity Armor of Sun God

They witness the greatness of this battle

Eastern Faction of

Germian's Fire Tribe

With their Blazing red armies of

Reinlock as their Signature Warriors

Firepriest as their AOE's and

Ballistae as their Ranged

neatly ranks across Riki's side of battlefields

Led by Arcflame the player named "Catastrophe"

and His other 2 Commander "Siegfried" and "BlackRose"

these 3 Commander is elected through Battle of Honor an ingame event, which allows players to battle for the title and gain authorities and power to rules Factions to Victory, this system applies to the other Factions as well

Then on the other 2 Factions we have

Northern Faction of

Thunder Wings

with their devastating AOE damage dealer of

Ephialtes as their Signature AOE's

Manaforged as their Warriors and

Thunder Spear as Their Ranged

Led by player named "Menephtes" as The ArcLightning and the 2 commander "BeMyLovers" and "Sacramentos"

Then Lastly is

The Western Faction

With The Painful robotic single targeted damage dealer of

Gigaton as the "Gundamlike" Signature Ranged

Cryomaster as AOE's and

Iceberg as their Warriors

This Inevitable Skirmishes is to decide whos going to win the rights of Unearthed Catalyst of Thrizza

Who will win this Savage battle??

The Retromaniacs with their Brutal and Tough Giant robot of Gigaton?

The Thunder Wing with their devastating Wizardry Ephialtes's Spell?

or our stupid losers and his Faction

The Germians's Fire Tribe with their Fierce Sword Dancing Flame of Reinlocks?